When his sister, Liz gives up Luke takes in her kids. Yes. Kids. The seventeen year old Mariano twins. How will this duo react to being pulled out of New York and dropped into a tiny Connecticut town?
//Completed, but going through minor edits\\
Today is the day Rory gets home. I'm so excited, I miss her, so much. Lorelai told me she got Rory out of Friday dinner and would be at the festival today.
Luke let me leave at four. I find Rory and Dean.
"Rory!" I yell.
She turns and her eyes search until they land on me. She smiles and I run up.
"I'm going to steal your girlfriend for a moment," I tell Dean.
"Go for it," he says with a smile as I pull her into a hug.
"God, I missed you. You're going to have to tell me everything later," I tell her.
"I will. I'll be sure of it. How have you been? We didn't get to call as much as we wanted," she asks me.
"Busy. I've been working my normal shifts at Luke and covering the time you would normally be working at the inn," I reply.
"I'm sure Michel loved that," she says.
"Of course. He couldn't be more thrilled. Well, I'm gonna head off and let you two go back to being an adorable couple, but we need a girls night sometime soon," I tell her.
"Oh, okay. I hope you have fun," she says.
"I will. I'm gonna go eat a bunch of stuff Luke wouldn't approve of," I say as I slowly start walking backwards, inching myself away.
"Okay, see you later," she says.
"Bye, Jo," Dean says.
"Bye," I say, giving him a wave before I turn and walk off.
After eating a bunch of unhealthy food and hearing the band Taylor hired sing the same song 100 damn times I head back to the diner.
The whole evening I made sure to avoid Jess and Miss Blondie while they played tonsil tennis. As I walk up I see Lorelai leave the diner.
Through the window I see Luke had a small smile on his face. I open the door.
"Hey, you have fun?" he asks.
"I did. It was great. So... you two good?" I ask.
It only takes him a second to realize what I mean.
"Um, yeah. We're good," he says.
"That's good. I'm happy," I reply.
I head up and get ready for bed.
I come down to help and see Jess and Shane sucking face again.
"So..?" she asks him.
"One sec," he replies.
"Jess..." she says.
"Relax. I'm out," he tells Luke.
"Let's go," he says to her.
I go to sit with the Gilmores.
"Ladies and gentleman, an entire conversation in 10 words or less," Lorelai says.
"True meeting of the minds," Rory replies
"Hi, how's the cold?" I ask Lorelai.
"Awful. Eat my carrots," she says, holding her bowl of soup out to me.
I set it down and start scooping out bites of carrot. I assume Luke got on to her for leaving them.
Dean walks in.
"Okay, so, uh, please don't hate me, but I already ate breakfast," he says.
"See? Nice, full sentences," Rory says.
"What?" he asks.
"Don't ruin it," Lorelai tells him.
Today is my first day of senior year. The outfit I picked consists of a Nirvana shirt, a red and black plaid skirt, black knee high stocking.
My hair was in a braided ponytail and I had on my new red converse I got for my birthday.
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I walk down the stairs and jump off the last step. I smile and look at Luke who is standing to my right, behind the counter.
"Well, you seem chipper this morning," he says.
"It's my last first day of school," I say happily.
I bounce up to him. I stop and peer up at him once I'm close enough to rest my chin on his arm.
"So I assume you're excited," he says.
"Yes. Can I have some coffee?" I ask, tilting my head.
"Do you really need any?" he asks, walking away to serve customers.
I pour myself a cup and ask Caesar for an order of bacon. Jess comes down far less excited, and after we eat we head off together. We stand in line to get our schedules and split ways.
There is one thing very different about this school year. Last year my coach saw how I did in PE and convinced me to try out for a sport this year.
At first I didn't know which to try out for, but she took some of my skills into account and decided I should try out for girls volleyball and after Christmas I should try out for softball.
Tryouts are in a couple of days. I walk into the diner and up to Luke. I hold out the papers to him.
"I need you to sign these," I tell him.
"What are they? What did you do?" he asks.
"I didn't do anything. They are permission forms," I reply.
"For what?" he says taking them.
He walks behind the counter, reading the top of them. His head shoots up and he looks at me.
"Volleyball?" he asks.
I just nod, smiling.
"You're really trying out for volleyball?" he asks.
"Yeah, the coach saw me in class last year and asked me to try out. She also convinced me to try out for softball in the spring," I tell him.
"That's great," he says, coming around to hug me.
\ \ AN / / Just so you know, I'm a girl who has never played or tried out for a sport who is trying to write about sports.
I tried looking stuff up, but I'm probably going to write things that are wrong, or just don't make sense.
Sorry ahead of time.
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All grammar, punctuation, and spelling corrections are helpful, encouraged, and greatly appreciated.