Snowy days

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It's snowing outside and you are walking outside around the castle enjoying the snow. You heard a voice yell your name from behind you.

"Y/n are you crazy?!" Draco says coming up to you very quickly worried.

"What?" You ask confused but you let out a little laugh.

"What are you doing out here and where are your gloves?" Draco asks now standing next to you look at your bare hands.

"It's beautiful out isn't it? I was just enjoying the weather and I couldn't find my gloves I suspect one of my sisters took them," You say looking blissfully at the pretty white snow ignoring Draco being paranoid.

"your hands are gonna freeze," he says grabbing your hands cupping them in his, and blowing his warm breath into them to warm your hands up.

You let out a laugh from his actions.

"Draco what are you doing?" You say smiling at him.

"Warming your hands up so you don't get frostbite," He says continuing to warm your hands.

"Well thank you but I'm fine you really don't need to do that," You say giggling at how cute he is.

"Y/n you should come inside where it's  warm and plus it's getting dark out here," He says now holding one hand leading you back inside.


Once you got inside you both went to the Slytherin room. You went up to your room to change.

"I'm gonna go change I'll be right back," You say giving Draco a kind smile before heading to your dorm.

After changing you came back down and sat on the couch next to Draco who had also changed his clothes to something more comfortable.

"See isn't this much better than being in the cold?" He asks smiling as he has and arm around your shoulder while you sit on the couch with a fire going.

"As beautiful as the snow was yes this is better," You say admitting to his idea being better.

"What do you want to do now?" He asks looking at the fire.
You thought for a second.

"Truth or dare?" You ask smiling looking at him.

"Ohh I like that idea," he says with a devious smirk. Which makes you roll your eyes and laugh.

"Okay Truth or dare?" You ask smiling

"Dare," He says giggling

"haha okay good choice... Hmmmm... I dare you too...... kiss me," You say with smiling.

"Bold move y/l/n" he says before leaning into to kiss you. You cups your face making the kiss longer than needed but you didn't mind. After a few moments he pulled away smiling.

"Truth or Dare" he asks

"Dare" you respond smiling with excitement of what he will say.

"I dare you to be my girlfriend" He replies.

"Ahh haha even bolder move Malfoy...well a dare is a dare so I accept" you say laughing together before you hug him while looking up at his perfect face before kissing him again.

I'm so sorry I know this is kinda cringe

Draco imagineWhere stories live. Discover now