I can't lose you part 2

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During the war

"Y/n I need to go stay safe please I will try to find you DO NOT! go outside into the war I know you want to help but it's too dangerous please stay safe...I love you" Draco says to me holding me face with his soft hands he kisses me.

"I love you too and you be safe too," I say back after he kisses me he gives me a sad smile hugs me tight, and kisses me one last time.

I Can't just stay here I will for sure get myself killed. I run cautiously while casting spells to enemies who get in my way. I want to listen to Draco and hide but I can't do that I have to fight and protect my friends and family. I have 9 siblings big family like Ron Weasley who is a great friend of mine along with the other Weasley's and of course Harry and Hermione.

"Y/N! I'm so happy you're safe!" my older brother Justin said running up to me hugging me tightly.

"Yeah I'm safe is everyone else safe?" I said hugging him back worried.

"Yes, we got the little ones back home safe to mom and dad so that only leaves the 5 of us who are safe still now come on let's get back to the other's," Justin says grabbing my handing and running. We ran back shooting and dodging spells. We got back to the rest of the family where they all hugged me.

we fought and fought and ran lots of running me and my sibling's accidentally got separated I was only with my older brother Luka. about a long hour went by I saw Draco.

"Y/N!" He yelled to me confirming my attention. We ran to each other and hugged but kept it short cause we are in the middle of a war.

"I thought I told you not to be fighting," He said.

"At least I'm inside the castle and not outside where it even worse," I said. We then saw shadows and evil voices it was a group of death eaters.

"Y/n we got to go come on," Draco says grabbing my arm and pulling me with him.

"Luka come on hurry!" I said looking back at him.

One of the death eaters had hit him injuring his stomach he fell to the ground arms wrapped around his stomach.

"LUKA!" I screamed and released myself from Dracos running to my hurt brother while casting as many spells as I can as quickly as I can.

"Y/N! NO!" Draco screamed grabbing tight so I couldn't run I tried fighting out of his grip

"DRACO LET ME GO THAT'S MY BROTHER!" I say screaming and crying looking at my brother from behind the wall.

"LUKA COME ON GET UP RUN!" I say crying trying to release as I watch him casting spells trying to fight the oncoming death eaters.

"I'm sorry Y/n I can't...I Love you y/n tell everyone else I love them too" He says giving me a sad smile.

"no," I say weakly and crying

Just then I watch a streak of light hit him... he is struck dead right in front of me. It all happened in slow motion. Time then slowed down voices disappeared or turned to just an echo. my whole body froze my eyes glued on my dead lifeless brother. My heart dropped and shattered huge painfully lumps grew in my throat. The time came back to speed. I felt Draco tugging on my arm trying to get me to move.

"no," I said quietly

"Y/n," Draco says he just sounds like a rounded out background noise to me even though he is right next to me.

"No," I say a little louder.

"Come on y/n we have to go," Draco says I hear him now and realize everything.

"NOOOOO NOOO NOOOO" I scream crying my eyes out I try running to my brother again but Draco once again holds me back but he is struggling as I have gotten a little more strength from all the anger and sadness flowing through me.

"Come on let's go I'm taking you somewhere safe," Draco says gripping me tighter than before.

"NO, I CAN'T LEAVE HIM," I say crying and fighting still.

"Y/N I CAN'T RISK YOU GETTING KILLED! let's go they are coming!" He says protectively and firm.

"THAT'S MY BROTHER!" I say screaming still

He says angrily he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder running with me somewhere away from the danger.

"DRACO NO STOP! PUT ME DOWN!" I say angry and crying looking at my brother get smaller and smaller.

"No! y/n you need to be safe," He says.

He runs into a room nobody is in as locks the door after he sets me down. I turn and walk away from him angry. After he turns around and notices me walking away angry.

"Y/n look I-" " He says quietly with sympathy before I cut him off

"WHAT! YOUR SORRY? I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM!" I yell at him bawling my eyes out his eyes start getting watery.

"I'm sorry y/n but you would have been killed too," He says walking closer to me holding my hands gently I quickly remove them and his mouth opens and he looks from hands to my eyes with sorrow his choked up and he is on the edge of crying tears.

"Y/n," He says choked up barely being able to even speak.

I just cry and look at him disappointed. I sit against the wall and just look into space thinking about what happened I have stopped crying for the most part except for the few tears that roll down. Draco crouched next to me.

"Y/n I'm so sorry but you would have been killed and I can't lose you," He says still choked up but a few tears falling down. I looked over slowly I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head.

"You don't get to decide what I do I know and you know I could have saved my brother," I say disgusted in Draco. I get up and he watches me broken.

"Y/n I know this is hard but you have to understand there were too many death eaters if you tried saving him we could have all died," Draco says standing up and walking behind me before grabbing my hands and turning me around.

I just stand there looking to the side of him trying not to cry but he notices. He hugs me tight and I start crying hard.

"I love you y/n there was nothing you or I could do to save him and survive," Draco says still hugging me. I pull away and look at him he wipes my tears away before holding my face and kissing me slow and passionate it's long and it feels like a cure for all my pain I have never needed it so much.

After a while, everyone was gathered outside evil on one side and good on the other Harry potter was being carried by hagrid.

"Harry Potter...IS DEAD!" Voldemort said with joy all the death eaters started laughing as we all were trying to hold back tears. 

To make things worse Draco was being called to the dark lord's side with the rest of the death eaters. I grabbed his arm. he looked at me painfully. lumps in his throat.

"Draco...please," I say quietly and sad

"I'm sorry...I love you" He says so sadly. He slips out of my hands

"no" I whisper crying quietly.

I watched him walk over to the dark side and the cold hug Voldemort gave him as he joined. I felt the pain Draco felt at that moment he didn't want to do this he was good just not his family. After Draco joined their side the dark Lord made a speech and offer about us joining him Neville Longbottom stepped forward Voldemort made fun of him.

"Well not what I expected but I'm sure we can find a place for you" The dark lord spoke all the death eaters laughed.

Draco imagineWhere stories live. Discover now