I can't lose you

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I have been dating Draco since our third year it is now our 6th year at Hogwarts This year Draco has changed a lot he's so secretive and he doesn't look well. Draco just isn't the same person something bad is going on and I am going to find out.   I'm sitting on the stone ground of the window seal looking out the big window thinking seriously about Draco I'm so worried about him.  Just as I was in a deep train of thought a tall figure approaches me it's Draco.

"Is everything fine?" He asks almost emotionless.

I lose my train of thought and turn my head out of the thoughts and look at him surprised not expecting him he is usually gone doing stuff.

"Oh uhm ya...Well, actually no everything isn't fine" I say with a serious face with my eyebrows furrowed.

Draco lifts my legs up and places them on his lap as he sits on the big window seal with me.

"What's going on," He asks showing worry.

"That's what I wanna know? Draco I know something bad is going on with you and I want you to be honest with me and tell me" I say worried.

He looks away from me and doesn't answer me for a while he answers but doesn't look at me.

"Y/n I wish I could tell you but I can't" He same with his eyebrows slightly furrowed his face goes to a mix of a small state of worry and no expression.

"But why? Why can't you tell me? Draco I'm worried for you, you have changed you don't look healthy" I said leaning closer to him placing my hands gently on his but when I touch his hand he quickly looks at me. I have removed my legs from his lap now sitting right next to him.

"I'm fine y/n just stay out of it! You're always sticking your nose where it doesn't belong how about you just mind your own fucking business for once!" He says aggressively while standing up and removing his hand from mine. This isn't like him he never lashes out at me.

"Draco don't talk to me that way I'm not a fucking idiot I know everything is not fine and it's my business because I love you and care about you no matter how awful you have been treating me and I will find out what's going on you know I'm too stubborn to take no for answer so just tell me" I say a little frustrated but trying to stay calm.

"Y/n If I tell you I would be putting you in danger and you will forever hate me you just don't understand and I can't make you understand,"  Draco says with a sad expression on his face his eyes look a little watery he now isn't breaking eye contact with me he places his soft cold hands-on mine again.

I don't respond we stand in silence. I am thinking putting the pieces together until it all made sense to me!. I turn my head slowly away from the ground back to Draco I look into his eyes,

"Draco.....Are you a death eater?" I ask my voice quiet-looking straight into his eyes.

His eyes grew wide and his mouth opened but didn't say anything at first he then started to cry my eyes grew wide open.

"Draco! no, don't cry it's okay if you are I understand because I know you and I also know your family they made you didn't they?" I say holding both of Draco's hands close to me.

"......y....yes," He says so quietly I could barely hear.

"you probably hate me now" He says a little louder looking at the ground not being able to look me in the eyes for he was so ashamed.

"Oh no," I say quietly I cupped his checked and turned his head toward me. I tried to give him a smile to reassure that it was okay.

"Draco I love you and I always will I understand" I say comforting him.

a very almost non existent smile grew on his face.

"I love you so much y/n you are more than I deserve," He says pulling me into him. He holds my waist and just looks at me a smile grows on his face I haven't seen him smile for ages.

"Y/n I wanna spend the rest of my life with you and when all this is over me and you will get a place of our own and I promise you will be loved and treated greatly as you deserve you mean absolutely everything to me I will do anything for you...God your so beautiful and perfect I love you" He says seriously not breaking eye contact. I smile he is so amazing I love this man.

"Draco I love you too and I want to spend the rest of my life with you too your all I want and more you are all I will ever need" I say so in love with him.

he pulls me and kisses me so passionately. Every time I kiss him I fall in love with him all over again. He holds me so close and tight to his body. He is kissing me like he's been holding back. His lips fit so perfectly in mine at first he was making out with me fast and hard but it felt amazing than after a while he slows down and he moves to my neck leaving behind marks he moves back to my lips. He pulls away slowly his face so close to me still.

"I wish I could never stop kissing you," He says in an almost whisper.

"You don't have to stop my love" I say leaning back in kissing him more he picks me up and takes me to the couch it's late at night so we don't have to worry about anyone walking in on us making out.

After a while, we fall asleep together on the couch and I had helped him get through the tough times which was every day he told me everything we stayed up late taking walks around the castle at night forgetting the bad and just talking about anything our relationship was good again.

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