I have to do this

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You walked down the stairs from your room into the slytherin common room it was a rainy day out the room was empty and it was the weekend so everyone was out doing stuff you were on your way out to meet up with your friends. You saw Draco walk in.

"Hi Draco" You say hugging him

"Y/n I have been looking for you we need to talk" He says. Draco's face wasn't like it used to be he looked depressed, emotionless and in pain.

"Okay what's wrong is everything okay" You ask worried standing in front of him holding both his hands.

"No everything isn't okay" He takes a deep breath "Look I love you, you mean everything to me y/n which is why I have to do this" He says getting choked up and eyes watering

"Do what" You say even more frightened

he looks up from the ground looking into your eyes his mouth shaking

"I...I'm breaking up with you" He says with tears slowly rolling down his face

you say nothing at first you look at him confused not knowing if you heard that right you let go of his hands.

"what?" you say your face begins to get sad

"I'm doing this for your own good" He says

"What! No! what do you mean your doing this for my own good" You say angry but sad trying so hard to not cry. your eyes are watery but your staying tough

"I can't tell you y/n I wish I could. The less you know the better." He says he has stopped crying getting ahold of himself but he's still sad very very sad he hates to have to do this to you.

"NO! if your breaking up with me your gonna need to tell me a hell of a lot more than I'm doing this for your own good cause that's not gonna cut it tell me right now what all this is about Draco malfoy" You say enraged.

he pulls up his sleeve on his arm lay's a snake tattoo with a skull.
You're in total and utter shock. You don't know what to say so you stay silent and just look at it for a moment.

"This is why... I can't let you get into this" He says tearing up again as do you

"Oh... my.." You're speechless you can't stop looking at it you can't believe what you're seeing.

After a moment of silence you finally speak.

"Draco..... I don't care I still love you and no matter what we will get through it please don't breakup with me I need you please Draco I love you" You say with tears falling

"I'm sorry y/n" He says holding your arms close to you

he kisses you slowly one last time and leaves, your left there absolutely broken you can't believe what just happened.
Days went by you didn't leave your room you cried so much you had no tears left to cry. A week went by and your best friend made you come to class you didn't want to but you did but you didn't bother to look good. You got in your uniform dark circles under eyes a messed up braid that had been in your hair for who knows how long. You were like a zombie no emotion came from you and people could barely get words out of you. When you finally managed to get to class you sat in the way back Draco kept looking at you but you ignored him you were trying to get him off your mind but mostly you were just zoned out the whole time.
You finally made it through the first class you got up with your friend and slowly made your way out of the class Draco examined you as you had lost weight from hardly eating you looked very unhealthy. Your best friend made sure you were kept far away from Draco. It was Snape's class you weren't looking forward to this class because you knew Snape was going to say something and you really couldn't handle that. You were just hoping he wouldn't say anything.

Draco imagineWhere stories live. Discover now