Don't leave me I love you

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You were walking around Hogwarts just exploring taking some time to yourself. It was the weekend and for once you weren't with Draco, you loved Draco and didn't mind always being around him but sometimes it was nice to just be alone or with people other than him.

"Hey y/n" A very charming handsome boy named Louis said approaching you.

"Oh hi Louis," You say with a friendly smile greeting him back.

"Wow lucky seeing you without Malfoy right by your side," He says joking with you.

You give a little laugh

"yeah well, sometimes I just need to be alone and need my space although if Draco had it his way which he usually does he would have me never leave his side that boy always has his eye on me," You say smiling about how clingy Draco is.

"Excuse me if I'm being too nosy but does that ever get suffocating for you always being around? If it were me I would feel trapped and controlled," He says going into a deep thought.

"Oh no your perfectly fine don't even worry about being nosy I don't mind at all and I completely understand your point of view on your thinking and actually I typically don't think of stuff like that but now that you bring it up yes I guess it does feel that way sometimes," You say getting on a more serious note now thinking deeply too back at how you don't really get any freedom.

"Oh then forgive me I didn't mean to spoil your afternoon by making you think of such thoughts." He says apologetic.

"No no no don't apologize I'm actually kind of happy you got me thinking about that... before I started dating Draco I was such an independent person who loved to just be free and do what I want when I wanted but now days I guess I don't really get to" you think aloud starting to get kind of sad that you have lost that part of yourself.

"Well.... Have you ever just thought about maybe taking a break from him and just enjoy yourself for awhile?" He suggests and asks at the same time.

At this time you both are sitting down in a window in the corridor.

"Actually no I have not and that sounds really nice actually..... But I couldn't do that to Draco." You say knowing your still in love with him and he couldn't do that to him he has been through so much and that's the last things he needs.

"Well sometimes you have to do what's best for you and you know it doesn't have to be permanent but you can also talk with him and tell him how you feel." Louis says giving great advice.

"Yeah your absolutely right I must really thank you for how you have opened my eyes lately I have actually been feeling kind of off with myself and you helped me find what it was so thank you"  you say giving him a warm smile.

"Of course and if the" "Y/N! WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO THIS GIT BY YOURSELF YOU KNOW I DONT WANT YOU TALKING TO BOYS ALONE!" Draco says marching very aggressively over to you. You quickly shoot up and turn to him.
"Draco calm down we were just talking," you say trying to calm him down.

"JUST TALKING MY ASS HE IS A FILTHY PIG WHO WANTS NOTHING MORE THAN YOUR BODY!" Draco says trying to pushing past me to get closer to Louis but I keep my hands on his chest pushing him back the best I could.

"No my love Louis isn't like that he is my friend and all we were doing was talking" you say louder in a more panicked voice trying to make him believe you so he would calm down. Right now Draco looks like he might hurt Louis and you weren't gonna let that happen.

"Oh please of course he just wants you for your body why else would he be talking to you!" Draco says still enraged but that kind of hurt your feelings.

"Is that all I am to you!" You say upset now about his comment. He then immediately looks from Louis with a death stare to you with a worried "I fucked up" look.

"What! No! Y/n that's not what I meant by that of course not!" He says now panicking.

"Draco let's go" you say rolling your eyes walking past Draco expecting him to follow.

"Goodbye Louis I'm sorry and thank you for the great talk!" You say turning back to Louis who gives you a sad smile.

Draco turns towards you and in just a few strides he catches up with you.

"Y/n look I'm sorry for saying that you know that's not what I meant" Draco says walking with your fast pace. You don't look at him you keep looking forward and for the most part your not really listening to him your thinking about what you and Louis talked about and thinking if you should maybe break up with Draco or not.

After walking for a good while you get to a hallway where nobody is at and you stop and face Draco. You take a deep breathe before speaking.

"Listen Draco I know your protective and you mean well for me but there's something we need to talk about" you say calm and straight forward.

"Yes of course you know that's all I want for you" he says reaching for your hands in which you withdraw them from his.

You look at the ground and think about how your gonna word what you will say next. After thinking you look back up at him.

"Draco I realized that I have lost myself  I feel like a bird in a cage trapped... I feel like I have no control over my own life anymore and I don't have any freedom, I love you with all my heart but we need to take a break I wanna be on my own for awhile NOT forever but I need to get to know myself and what I want for my life for once and I want to do what I want when I want again" you say calmly again and straight.

Draco looks like he has just witnessed death but in this case it was his heart dying of heartbreak. His eyes got watery his lips started to shake along with his has.

"N...NO.... Y/n..... p...please I can't lose you y/n please don't leave me I love you and I'm sorry if I'm controlling and rude and too protective but I love you so much and I can't lose you your the only good thing I have worth living for," He says crying holding onto your waist with you pulled close to him.

"Draco please don't cry look I love you too and I will always love you but I need time to myself" you say already regretting ever speaking.

"I will be better I promise if it's space you want I will give you all the space you want....a...and I want be as controlling I promise I will do anything you want but I need you in my life I really love you please you don't understand how I would do anything in the world for you I would sacrifice anything and everything for you because you are all I need and want.... Your the only thing  I care for most in this filthy world I can't lose you" he says breaking down having a panic attack . This breaks your heart what have you done to him you have broken him.

You place your soft hands on his face wiping his tears.

"Draco my love it's okay please calm down I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I said that okay I never want to leave you I don't know why I said that don't worry okay I love you for the way you are please don't change but maybe just let loose with me more okay that's all" you'd at in the calmest voice much quieter.  Looking at his face that speak perfection even when broken.

You hug him tightly and close your eyes while a few tears slide down your face.

"I love you and I will always love you" you say still hugging him tightly. He hugs you back tight. You can feel his body losses up in your grip you know he feels safe with you.

You loosen yourself in his arms so that you can reach up to his face we're you kiss his soft perfect lips he doesn't hesitate to kiss you back. He hold your waist with one arm while the other is placed on your cheek he pulls you in tighter as if you would easily blow away in the light gusts of wind that pass by. He loves you so much.

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