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Sirens and Mermaids, commonly interchangeable by a few mythologies, but in fact two completely different species, Mers also known as mermaids and mermen were the protectors of the world. one is capable of connecting to the very fabrics of the known and unknown world, mating peace, and prosperity within the planet. Naturally, this meant there were limits to all of Mers' powers.

The other, a dangerous species born of unnatural and unbalanced connections to the world, but their very nature was waved into the very existence of the universe, the ultimate predators, Sirens were truly mystical beings capable of wondrous feats of magic no Mer could ever dream of. But all of this came at a cost, they were natural preadatoristic, which lead to their kind being feared and when something is feared by humankind it is quickly demolished.

Siren hunting was a rather profitable cost for only the most daring and strong of souls, protecting the sailors of the world with only their bare hands and goodwill, or so they were supposed to be, but the hunters were known for this malpractice and illegal dealing within the dark market.

The six united kingdoms of the world decided to allow the hunting of sirens as sirens were known for their brutal attacks on ships and violent behavior, but there were laws set in place, laws enforced by the kingdoms.

Hunting or harming a mermaiden or merman was especially illegal and one of the greatest taboos, among this was also the rule of fair treatment, if a siren was not acting violently then the hunters were not allowed to hunt them.

The hunters were to respect nature and nature was to respect them but with the all to familiar greed and lust of humans, they quickly took advantage of the loose rules and began to malpractice. This was all discovered when one day they attacked the fairest mermaid of them all.

Yuri Egin, tail an emerald green in hue, and long chestnut wavy hair that always seemed to flow softly as the sea breeze against a soft pale beach did so freely. She was rumored to be the most beautiful creature in existence, capturing the hearts of many mers, and humans alike. But one day she washed upon the shore, tail fin cut and bleeding from a savage attack from siren hunters.

The young prince Shiro, next in line for the throne was infuriated at the sight of the injured beauty of the mermaiden and halted the hunters in their tracks, he was able to quickly dismiss every single one of them from duty and he quickly got their ship rebuked and destroyed, this was infuriating for the hunters but it shone a light on the malpractices of the hunters.

The six kingdoms became infuriated at the cruel truth of the hunters, they quickly outlawed the entire practice and arrested all those who broke the codes they had set in place. At the time this action seemed to work, but it would soon lead to a disaster.

But for the meantime Shiro took care of the beautiful maiden, gaining her affection for his diligent and delicate care. She remembered him and his name even after she had returned to the cerulean sea, her feelings lingered on for the man but her heart was also soon captured by the siren god who also was entranced by the maiden.

Having no other opinion for a mate, she became his queen and ruled amongst him and his loyal siren kings that had reminded adamant on their thrones all across the sea. Having a Mer as a queen united the kingdoms of the Mers and sirens, who had long been in a deadly feud.

It was long rumored that Sirens could not, nor did they want to love, but the bond between the queen and king was one truly out of a storybook. The king treated her with the utmost respect and grace any being could, and many romanticized the love the two shared and wished the same love for themselves.

The king of all sirens set the precedent that one was to love their mates with all they had for then if they were to pass on a part of them would lingerie on with their dearly beloved. The sirens of the kingdom craved this idea of immortal love so they hung onto it. Often mates were no more than a thing you used, but Yuri changed all of that.

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