CH 6 - the meeting

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"It's you, you are still alive... You look so strong now,"

"Don't, I think I have had enough of you today," Rin growled, wanting to get back on his journey.

"Rin no! Please stay, don't leave again,"

"What do you mean? I never left you, abandoned me!"

"I never abandoned you! Samael left you and I tried, I tried for so long to find you, after a month I convinced him to sail back so we could try and find you, I searched for days, nearly two weeks but I couldn't find you. You can't leave now of all times. Rin we need you, Please stay, this isn't just about me. We need your help,"

"I have somewhere to go Amaimon, I don't have time for a meetup. I am trying to live my life, I need someone to live for,"

"Are you headed to the gathering? That is where Samael is sailing! We can take you there, I can escort you!" Amaimon beamed.

"Why are you going there of all places?" Rin retorted, eyeing Amaimon in suspicion

"I need to find a mate as well Rin," Amaimon huffed. "Samael and I will be overseeing the gathering as well, so we would go regardless if we already found a mate,"

"I still don't understand why I should stay,"

"Trust me, it will be better if you talk to Samael now before you cause a scene at the gathering," Amaimon added swimming back to the ship. "Well, are you coming?"

"Fine, I supposed I can deal with you for a bit,"

"good, now can you make the jump up to the railing or will I have to pull you up?" Amaimon pondered.

"I can make the jump," RIn snarled at the insulation.

"No need to get so offended, it was a question. It may be better if I do help you seeing as your arm-,"

"No," Rin snapped, interrupting the elder siren. "I can handle it,"

Accepting the response Amaimon swam to the surface, breaking the water as he left over the rail, and landed perfectly on his feet.

Rin following suite leaped out of the water, but oddly, he didn't land on the deck, he overshot and landed in the water.

"That's not how you get on a boat," Amaimon teased happily.

"Shut up," Rin barked. "I'm not used to jumping up to the railing,"

"Well, then what are you used to?"

"Jumping into the crow's nest or the main mass,"

"What have been doing over the past ten years to jump into a crow's nest?" Amaimon growled in suspicion.

"I will tell you once I get on deck," Rin fired back, diving back down underwater. Once Rin broke the water again, instead of diving straight across, he hit the main mass and quickly wrapped himself around it, transforming his silver fin into legs.

The enter ship wobbled under Rin as it swayed from the entrance of Rin, shocking all the crew as they were thrown by the unexpected sway.

Rin happily slid down the wooden poll and fixed the overcoat he had on. Over the years he had found multitudes of different clothing, but he preferred to wear black, it didn't stain easily and it was easy to match with.

Failing to catch himself Amaimon latched onto the railing as he caught his breath as the ship settled. "Rin what was that?" Amaimon asked, stunned by the abilities of the younger being.

"Amaimon what the hell was that?" A voice snapped as the door to the captain's study flew back, nearly shattering wall the behind it. Mephisto looked, rough to say the least, messy hair, dark bags under his eyes, the toxic green irises seemed to hold a renice of pain and anger, years of sorrow....

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