Fangs for Revenge

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The two were stirred by a rustling outside, the loud clamorous of shouts, and then the quick silence that followed.

"What's going on?" Rin clung to Mephisto's torso, fear shaking through his very core.

Mephisto gazed out the small window represent in the room and nodded softly to himself. "We are approaching the hunter's gathering palace, it appears they are about to switch shifts," Mepihstro hummed softly. "The fun part is about to come,"

"I don't think it will be much fun for them," Rin soothed, stepping out of bed.

"Who cares if it's fun for them? They had their fun in selling off thousands of innocent lives to a fate none should ever be subjected to. Now it's our turn to bathe in the glee of their misery as karmic justice determines their fate," Mephisto crawled out of bed and slid onto the floor, looking almost like an eldritch beast that lingered in the sea years prior to the very birth of society.

"Weirdo," Rin, as always was unaffected by the offsetting nature of Mephisto, he had long since gotten used to the odd habits ten years prior when he was under his care for two years. "Are we going to get revenge or not?"

"Yeah just give me a moment,"

"Aight bye~," Rin said happily leaving the room.

Mephisto was quick to follow after his mate, nearly tripping over his own cape in the process.

"Did you just trip?" Rin sneered, mocking the normally elegant being.

"No, I didn't trip, now what were you saying about that revenge?"

"We need to make it to the main deck first,"

"Indeed we do," Mephisto sighed.

Mephisto sauntered over to the exit with Rin following closely behind him.

The top deck was covered with a cloud of fog. The grey and white mist acted like a blanket, providing a sense of security, yet on the other hand, it covered all line of sight.

By the faint glow of the hunter ships they were able to pinpoint where each ship was, and yet they reminded hidden. All lights had diminished, there was no other indication that they were even approaching the ship.

Each ship in the fleet was stalking closer to the hunter's ship with little to no noise no light, they weren't even going to warn the ships before attacking.

It was rather barbaric, but then Karma is never kind is it. How many nests had the hunters destroyed in the middle of the night? How many mothers, children, families slept peacefully without knowing in a few seconds their entire life would be broken. How many lives had the hunters ruined?

Barbic maybe, but it was deserved. Besides, why would they lend mercy to those who demonized them for decades? They destroyed societies and homes, calling themselves victors and heroes.

Today, was the day, the final call. Judgment day would not be kind to those who sinned so heavily, and what greater sin is there than genocide?

Second after second, moment after moment, they were crawling closer and closer.

Tension was thick in the air, and Rin felt an air of doubt cloud through his mind.

Surely not all the hunters were bad?

Demonizing them as they had demonized Sirens was fiar, but it didn't respend every hunter.

What are they were doing this job because they were simply desperate?

What if they had families?



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