Kokichi + Elon

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      "KOKICHI, LOOK OUT!!!" I yelled. Kokichi turned around, but he was too late. Suddenly, Elon Musk jumped in front of him, and the laser beams from Kanye West's eyes impaled him. "ELON MUSK, NO!!!!" Kokichi yelled, as Elon Musk fell to the floor. Kokichi dropped to his knees, and placed Elon's dying body in his lap. "Elon Musk, please don't leave me! You can't die now! All my friends and all the people I once loved are now dead! I can't lose you too, I just can't!" He cried. Suddenly, Kokichi just completely broke down, and started bawling. "ELON MUSK, YOU CAN'T DIE!!! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GET MARRIED!!! I SAW A FUTURE WITH YOU, I REALLY DID!!! YOU PROMISED WE WOULD BE TOGETHER FOREVER, YOU CAN'T DIE!!!! YOU CAN'T, YOU CAN'T, YOU CAN'T!!! P-PLEASE DON'T GO!!!!" He sobbed. Suddenly, a small smile ran across Elon's face, and he began to speak in a raspy voice:

"K-Kokichi...y-you have to let me g-go...y-you deserve to l-live on, y-you have a whole l-life ahead of you my love...I-I'm 49 years old, I've already had a long, f-fun, h-happy time on E-Earth...it's finally t-time for me to go...I-I'm so sorry I had to b-break the promise we made...I guarantee you m-my love, we'll see each other s-sometime in the f-future again...p-please, go help Komaeda save S-Sans...live on in my p-place, and n-never give up...e-even though you won't be able to s-see me, I'll always be w-watching over you...no matter where you are, or what y-you're doing, I'll be r-right by your side, g-guarding you the entire way...g-goodbye, my beloved Kokichi...I...I love you..." Elon Musk said, and he suddenly stopped breathing.

Everyone in the room fell dead silent. Kanye West and I stopped fighting, and I let him go. He  stood up, and we both just stared at Kokichi holding Elon Musk's corpse. It was a very depressing sight; I'd seriously never expected Kokichi to actually break his facade. Sans was shaking his head, fighting back tears. Even Kim Kardashian was dabbing her eyes carefully with a tissue, not wanting to ruin her mascara with the tears. "E-Elon Musk...E-ELON M-MUSK.....!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Kokichi screamed at the top of his lungs. Suddenly, Kokichi stood up, and began going at Kanye West. "Y-YOU...THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!! ELON MUSK NEVER DID ANYTHING TO YOU!!! YOU...YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!!!!!" He screamed, and with that, Kokichi and I both ran forward, and we launched another attack on Kanye West. We had to win this one, not only for Sans, but in remembrance of our good friend Elon Musk.

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