Nothing Lasts Forever

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"Ugh, stop a minute!" Catra said, keeling over. "I think I'm going to be sick."

"Oh come on, it isn't that bad," Glimmer said, rolling her eyes.

Catra felt dizzy from the teleportation, but she was also feeling more and more nervous the closer they got to the palace. Adora seemed to sense her anxiety, and kept squeezing her hand reassuringly, not that Catra minded.

They jumped again.

"Ugh! Stop! I'm seriously gonna barf."

It was all moving so fast between the two of them, and Catra didn't mind that, either. She just hoped Adora would be okay, because she knew how much taking a life could change a person. She'd seen it happen to other soldiers in the horde, how they'd become distant and cold afterwards, like a switch had been flipped.

"Fine," Glimmer said, rolling her eyes. "Tell me when you're ready."

Catra was surprised by the show of kindness, and she rested for a minute or two until the nausea passed. She looked at Adora, and felt reassured when she was met by those kind, blue eyes. She'd told Adora she trusted her, and now she had to make good on those words.

"Okay," she said, taking a deep breath. "Ready."

And just like that, they were all stood just outside the bright pink walls of Brightmoon palace. It was midday, and the sun was shining brightly, which only served to make the garish walls hurt Catra's eyes all the more.

"I'll teleport you both into my room," whispered Glimmer. "Do you think you two can keep quiet while I talk to Mom?"

"Well, we can try," Catra said, arching an eyebrow at Adora, then grinning when her cheeks turned a shade of crimson.


Not long afterwards, Glimmer had deposited the two of them in her room and then left, after begging them not to break anything, that is. Catra was pacing around scrutinising everything, while Adora was relaxing on Glimmer's bed, laid back with her hands over her head.

"Wow. Sure is fancy," Catra drawled. She wondered why almost everything had to be a shade of pink or purple in this place. "Is your room like this?"

Adora peered across at Catra. "Uh, yeah. It was..."

Catra winced. "Didn't it give you a migraine?"

"Well I got used to it eventua-"

"-Wait, is that a pool? And a tiny waterfall?"

"Yeah," Adora said, turning onto her side. "Apparently the sound of running water helps you to relax, or something."

"Pfft, sounds like horsehit to me," muttered Catra. She leaned over the edge of the extravagant feature, and swirled a finger lazily around in the crystal clear water. "So while we were surviving day to day, this is how the other side was living, eh?"

"From what I've seen, there aren't many places worse than the horde," Adora said, sighing deeply. "Guess we drew short straws or something."

"Hey, are you okay?" Catra asked, walking over and sitting on the bed next to Adora. "You seem down."

Adora sat up, and pulled her knees to her chest. "Do you think we did the right thing? By not telling them about Shadow Weaver, I mean."

Catra shrugged. "I figured you weren't ready yet."

"I wasn't," admitted Adora. "Thanks, by the way. For covering for me."

Adora was clearly unhappy, and Catra felt powerless to do much about it. There were only so many times she could use sex as a distraction, after all. So instead, she pulled Adora into a hug, and then laid down next to her on the bed.

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