Happy Ever After

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Catra had never felt so alive.

And she'd never felt so connected to Adora, either. Maybe it was the strange experience she'd had earlier, when she'd watched chaos unfold through Adora's eyes while slowly rousing from consciousness. She'd felt everything that was inside Adora's heart; all her pain, anguish, loss and torment. It had been devastatingly beautiful, especially when she knew it was all for her.

"You seem happy..." Adora squeezed her hand and smiled.

"Mmm. More than," Catra purred. Knowing that Adora would literally end the world for her filled Catra with a sense of pride and self-worth beyond anything she'd ever known before. Now that she knew she meant that much to Adora, she hadn't been able to wipe the smile from her face.

"Is it the thought of killing them?" Adora asked, tilting her head towards the horde camp they were headed towards.

"I mean that's exciting and all," Catra drawled, pulling Adora's hand sharply, making her turn to face her. "But I'm mainly looking forward to the afterparty." She trailed her nails across Adora's cheek, and was delighted at the visible shudder she saw in response.

In truth, Catra had never felt quite so turned on, and she could smell that it was the same for Adora, too. She didn't know if it was from She-Ra's powers, coursing through her, or the fact she now knew for sure just how much she meant to Adora. Just like Adora was her whole world, she was hers, and Catra wanted nothing more than to spend day after day celebrating the fact in the best, and most carnal of ways.

Adora grabbed Catra's teasing fingers, and kissed the pads of each. "Then let's make this quick."


Hordak had been busy, apparently. A space had been cleared in the forest big enough to fit half a dozen large tents. There were four full squadrons of soldiers sparring in the middle of the clearing, and at least twelve of the bigger, deadlier bots, split into six along each side.

Catra watched Adora lace her fingers together and stretch her hands out in front, cracking her knuckles. "Shall we?"

"Yes, we shall. Oh, and," Catra sniffed the air, "Hordak's in the furthest tent."

"Ooh!" Adora grinned excitedly. "Has your sense of smell improved?"

Catra narrowed her eyes. "Among other things."

Adora bit her lip into a knowing smile, and her cheeks flushed red. In the meantime, a few soldiers had noticed their presence, and were already headed their way.

"I'll race you," Adora said, crouching down. Catra almost forgot how to breathe, watching in awe as Adora sprung forwards, and the three crimson and black tails of her cloak flapped around behind. She was moving so quickly even Catra's keen eyes could barely keep track.

"Hey, wait for me!" Catra grinned and burst into a sprint, at first almost tripping over her own feet because of how much longer her legs were now. She got used to her new shape a few seconds later, and then she whooped ecstatically, running faster than she'd ever thought possible. Faster than Adora, even. She caught up to her in seconds, and grinned widely. "Hey Adora!" she yelled.

"Get the bots first!" Adora shouted, "I'll take the left side."

Catra gave a cheeky thumbs up, then dashed to the right flank, leaping into the air and ripping straight through the plating of her first unfortunate target, tearing the whole thing clean in half. She stared down at her claws, wondering how the hell she'd done that, then paused before jumping to the next bot, watching as Adora shifted her Scythe into a spear mid-air and then thrust it straight through her own target. She then hoisted the snared machine into the air, spun around in a wide circle and flung it straight at the first squadron of surprised Horde soldiers, where it crashed into some of them and then rolled over the rest.

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