Scratching An Itch

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By the time they'd been in Brightmoon a week, Adora's heart was practically overflowing with love. Every morning she'd woken up with Catra either beside her, or curled up at the bottom of the bed, or her personal favourite - half on top of her, snoring lightly against her neck. Like she was doing right now.

Adora couldn't bear to move. She closed her eyes softly stroked Catra's thick mane, content to lay there and daydream for a while...


Things were so different between them now. Catra had slowly but surely started to open up to Adora, and while she hadn't said half of the deep and meaningful things that Adora had, she'd conveyed her feelings in other ways. Like how she'd just look at Adora sometimes, as though she was the only thing in the world that mattered. Or how she'd subconsciously show subtle signs of affection, like tucking Adora's hair behind her ear, or wiping something from her lips. She'd always get embarrassed when she caught herself doing it, of course. But she'd made so much progress. They'd even reached a point where holding hands in public wasn't a problem.

It was more than enough for Adora.

They were communicating better, too. Probably because they had so much spare time now, which had given them plenty of time to talk. They'd both agreed the best way forwards was to start over, with a clean slate. Catra would forgive Adora for leaving her, and she'd forgive Catra for lashing out all those times. That had been four days ago, and they'd barely argued at all since then, although that could also be because whenever they where alone together, it ultimately ended in sex. Lots of it.

Like last night and early this morning, when they'd both carried on until they passed out. Adora never knew sex could be so amazing. She was fairly sure she was addicted to the sounds she could coax from Catra, not to mention how it took her breath away whenever Catra made love to her. She blushed when she thought about just how many rooms they'd checked off their list by now. It was Catra's idea, actually, to 'do it' in as many places in the palace as possible. Adora figured it was her way of getting revenge on her ex-enemies, or something.

She knew Glimmer would have a meltdown if she ever caught them, but the riskier their venture, the more fun they had. Adora's favourite so far was when she'd teased Catra all day and then finally put her out of her misery. It had been in a secluded corner of the massive Brightmoon library, and she'd had to muffle Catra's whimpers with her free hand. Turned out Catra wasn't very good at being quiet... but somehow, they'd gotten away with it.

There had been some not-so-great moments, too. Adora's worst had been when she had launched into a full-on, angry tirade at Glimmer about how she shouldn't just teleport into her room whenever she wanted to. She knew she should have handled that better, whether she'd had a point or not. Thankfully Glimmer had accepted Adora's apology later that same day.

And then Catra had also hit a pretty low point two days ago, when Adora caught her staring at herself in the bathroom and scratching at her own wrists, pressing hard enough to draw blood. Adora had stopped her, of course, and realised right there and then that Catra's scars ran deeply, as did her shame, self-loathing and regret.


"S'not my fault," Catra mumbled, lifting Adora from her daze. It took her a second to realise that Catra was sleep-talking. "No, cos they left the bread... on the... floor."

"Pft-" Adora barely held in her laugh. She wondered what kind of dream Catra was having this time. It was a new habit of hers, apparently, and Adora found it incredibly endearing.

Catra suddenly rolled off of Adora, fell onto her back, and smacked her lips a few times. Then she started snoring, loudly, and Adora wondered if it was possible to love her any more than she did at that moment. She had the sudden, gleeful idea to go out and buy her a sugary treat as a surprise, because It turned out that Catra really, really liked sweet things. Adora did, too, but not to the point where her pupils dilated and she became an unstoppable, hyperactive maniac. Nope. That was Catra, plus sugar. A deadly but fun combination.

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