I Am Vengeance

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Adora watched Catra's beautiful gold and blue eyes glaze over, until they stared back at her vacantly. They remained open, and unblinking, even when raindrops fell upon them. Adora couldn't process this. She couldn't bring herself to shift her fingers away from Catra's cheek to close her eyes, because that would make it more real, somehow. So instead, she focused on the cold, hard facts.

She must have taken a shot through the femoral artery, Adora reasoned. That's why it had happened so fast. That's why Catra had died first, and left her here to bleed out, alone. Adora hadn't been quite so lucky. She was paralysed from her left shoulder down to her hips, and beyond. She couldn't feel her legs. Based on her rate of blood loss, and the fact she was struggling to stay conscious, Adora assumed she had perhaps a minute left. Two at most. And then maybe, maybe she'd see Catra again in the next life. It was something to hold on to, some small, desperate thought to keep her sane in her final moments.

"Catra..." she whispered her name again, hoping that perhaps she'd been mistaken. Perhaps Catra wasn't gone, not yet. It could have all been a trick of the light, since the rain was falling so thickly. But then lighting flickered across the sky, and in the sudden illumination Catra's eyes appeared deader than ever.

They didn't blink.

Catra was dead... and Adora wished for nothing more than to join her.

The downpour continued, roughly pelting against her skin, but Adora could barely even feel it anymore. Darkness crept around her peripheral vision, until it was a struggle to keep her eyes open. She was on her way, at last, so she shifted her fingers and gently lowered Catra's eyelids, before allowing her own eyes to close.

Adora hoped that would be an end to it. To everything.

But then she heard footsteps nearby. Adora cracked open one eye, watching, mortified, as a boot kicked into Catra's limp body, shifting it a few inches away from her.

"Yup, this one's dead." Adora felt the cold steel of a gun pressed beneath her chin, and then her head was tilted up. "This one too, more or less."

"Fuck. Hordak will kill us."

"Dumb fucking bots. We were meant to take them alive!"

"Hey Jake, watch this," one of the men yelled. "I'm a magicat, rawr!"

The man removed his gun from her chin, and Adora's head fell back to the ground. She could barely see, thanks to the heavy rain, but she saw enough. One of the soldiers was hunched over, holding Catra's dead body over his back. His fingers were forcibly laced with hers, and he was causing her claws to lash around, while making growling noises.

And then they were laughing, loudly. All of them. They even took their helmets off, and Adora wanted nothing more than to rip the smile off their stupid fucking faces.

"Bastards..." she seethed.

She watched as they violated Catra's body, using her like some kind of prop in a sick, macabre play. She watched as they laughed, as they jeered, and in that moment Adora wanted nothing more than to watch them die, and watch them suffer. A flood of superheated rage tore through her, bursting from her heart to her lungs, and shooting down her spine, her gut, and her legs. Her heart sped up, beating harder and faster, faster still, until she felt it pounding viciously against her ribs.


Adora grit her teeth and snarled as the last threads of her sanity snapped. She wasn't done. She wasn't even close to being done.

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