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Not long after the Brightmoon Massacre (as it was now called), Catra and Adora were formally exiled by Queen Angella and the rest of the princess alliance, as expected. Frosta, however, was morbidly curious about the whole thing.

"So you can eat souls?" she asked, staring at Adora in awe.

Catra grinned. "She can. Wanna see?"

"You'll do no such thing." Angella scowled, pulling Frosta back by her shoulders. "Our verdict has been reached, and it is final. Please leave at once."

Adora tried to talk to her friend, one last time. "Glimmer..."

"Just go, Adora." Glimmer didn't even look at her, and Adora's heart sank at the realisation that they'd never be friends again.

"Come on, love," Catra said, looping her arm into hers. "We don't need them anyway."

And so began Catra's grand, ambitious plan...


Between their notoriety, Adora's newfound powers and Catra's cunning, the two of them took over the Crimson Wastes in less than a day. It was even easier than Catra had anticipated, but then, who could stop She-Ra?

Nobody, Catra thought, smirking to herself. That's who.

She was very fond of the whip and jacket she'd acquired, although the so-called Tung Lashor hadn't fared quite as well, especially not when Adora found out that he ate babies. She'd ripped the poor guy limb from limb, not that he hadn't deserved it, of course, and Catra had been sure to reassure Adora on this point over and over, just like she did with the Brightmoon Massacre.


Shortly after taking down Tung, the two had met Huntara. She was the one that Catra had heard about, the one recruiting mercenaries.

Huntara had been all too eager to recruit them, although upon hearing what had happened to Tung, she wondered if she'd made a dire mistake. Her fears only grew when a few hours later she'd been officially demoted, and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it. Everyone had seen what She-Ra could do, after all.

Between Tung's grotesque murder and the Brightmoon Massacre, word of mouth spread and the two quickly became infamous, their deeds known and feared across the seven kingdoms, and the Crimson Wastes.

None dared to stand up to them.


"Okay, first things first - we want thrones," Catra said, laughing at Adora's goofy expression. "Big and fancy, right next to each other, just there," continued Catra, pointing to the far side of the rowdy room.

"Seriously?" Huntara asked.

But she got it done, of course, just like she helped her new leaders transform the Wastes into something far more hospitable, with no small thanks to Entrapta and her weird, wonderful machines that could draw moisture from deep within the sands.


In just two months the Wastes became home to a fully functioning, actually thriving mercenary guild, and Huntara soon found peace with her new position. After all, having the two most powerful people on Etheria make you their third in command? That wasn't a bad place to be. She still got some say here and there, and it turned out that Catra and Adora were actually half-decent people, so long as you were on their good side.

She couldn't help but quietly respect that the two of them had never really abused their power, beyond stealing the Wastes in the first place. They'd simply chosen to settle here and build a place they could call their own, instead of ruling the whole of Etheria with some kind of iron fist.

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