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Chanyeol's POV

Mom lifted her eyebrows as she responded "What chef?"

"Chef, who made food for us all," I explained calmly, and with that everyone started to laugh like I just told them a joke. Dad replied while controlling his laughter "There is no chef in our house, you idiot."

Thunderstrike!!!! "What!! Then who made all those tasty dishes?"

"Sia did, who else. She's been doing it since her first day here, so a chef is not needed." Mom.answered while wearing a scowl on her face.
Another thunderstrike, why didn't I knew about all this?

"Yeah, yeah how would you'd be able to notice when you are so occupied with your work. Just make sure you don't say these words in front of Sia, how bad will she feel after knowing it." Grandma spoke in a tight voice with a small glare.

I sew my mouth shut after that cause any word spoken by me can incite a hurricane or maybe any other disaster here. Even dad wasn't on my side and was giving me a disappointed look.
I sighed inwardly, 'why am I such an idiot and workaholic.' I don't even know what's going on in my own house, my own family.

Sia came back and gave me my coffee with a small smile. I looked at her and then at my food, pancakes made by our chef that is Sia also known as my wife.
I started to eat my breakfast and as soon as it touched my tongue, I felt out of this world. The taste is mind-blowing and I unintentionally moaned, although in a low voice, but was enough to grab Sia's interest as she inspected me with her head down with an elated expression that she is unable to hide.

I guess the food became more delightful now that I got to know that she is the one who made it.

After breakfast, I went to my study area to work and go through some files which I had bought with me earlier. As I started working my attention was caught by the questionnaire which was lying on top of the files, which is supposed to be filled by me and Sia, together. I took a pen and started to fill the form out.


After finishing all the chores or whatever work was there I chose to go to my side of the lawn, south lawn, my ideal spot. Just like the grandma I also have decorated and organized my garden all by myself. I have planted ornamental cherries, Pyrus salicifolia, Cercis, Amelanchier, all are blossom trees that bloom in different seasons. Which means that my garden will always be in bloom.

I have also planted crab apple and peach trees and make jelly out of them when they ripe.

I also have some other flowers like Japanese Dogwood, Cornus Florida and Cornus Mas and have settled some wooden benches in between these trees and flowers. The view out here is heavenly and it is my second favourite place at home besides grandma's garden.

The weather today is extremely lovely. The wind is blowing at a great pace and the sky is blue with white clouds fluttering making the sun appear and then disappear from time to time, my ideal weather. I sat there on a bench with a smile on my face, earphones in my ear, and knitting wool and needles beside me.

I was thinking about knitting a muffler and gloves for Chanyeol because he doesn't like them ready-made.

He claims that the ready-made ones are not comfortable and all itchy for him, though he is comfortable with readymade Coat and Caps. Grandma used to do this for him earlier but now as she keeps getting mature, she doesn't feel the accuracy and neatness in her work.

So I took the duty on me instead and that's what I'm confiding right now.
I was so engrossed in doing my work, enjoying the weather, and listening to music that I didn't notice someone's existence near me.

Chanyeol's POV

After 20 minutes, I got to know that I'm no good. I looked fixedly at the survey form in front of me which was teasing me because even after calculating for the 100th time my percentage is still less than 20.

I was raking my hair in agitation and keep throwing my arms raking in the air while heaving loud sighs. I read the questions once again:-

"How many hours do you spent together daily?"
0 multiplied by 730 or more than 730 days, which means we spent more than 2 years being together yet away from each other.

"Does your partner have trust issues regarding your relationship?"
Absolutely not, I often talk and invite a lot of women related to my work and business to the office or at our home, but she doesn't even spare a single glance over these, let alone question.

"Do you help your wife with normal chores?"
Never, I only helped her by making her work more I guess after examining the bedroom's condition.

"Do you praise your wife/husband often?"
This question made me scoff loudly, what 'praise' until now I didn't even know that she is the one who was treating me with all those tasty dishes and I was giving the credits to someone else.

"How many times do you go out for a date or dinner?"
Easy as hell, 0 times.

"When was the last time you two had sex?"
My facial expressions wash away every instant I read this question. How can they include such a personal question without consulting others?
Nonetheless, my answer is 0.

And the same keep going on for the next 15 questions. I think I lost some of my hair by tugging onto them frustratingly.
I'm not even worthy to be called someone's husband, especially Sia's.

I tried to recollect the last time we had any sort of physical contact with each other. And....... I can't seem to find it.

I stood up from my chair, throwing it away out of outrageousness. I decided to get some fresh air from my large window which opens out on the south lawn. The cold air was helping me to cool my hot head down when my gaze fell onto someone sitting there on the bench. 

Happy birthday, LAY

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Happy birthday, LAY. Wishes for the day to our Cute Unicorn and China's Sheep. Our healing angel may GOD give you all the happiness, be happy and stay healthy and be the wonderful person you always are.🎉🎊🎇🎁.

And one more thing guys, EXO is nominated for "Top Social Artist" at BBMAs. Let's help them win, EXO-Ls fighting. 


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