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We were both sitting there, hands in hands, eyes in eyes, trynna catch a glimpse of each other's soul and heart.

"Mam, Mam, excuse me, Mam."

A voice breaks the daze and dreamland in which I and Chanyeol were engulfed into. We broke the 'eyeing each other event' and separated our hands, feeling shameful of our action although we shouldn't. My cheeks and ears were completely red and I was trying to cool them down by fanning them with my hands but it was of no use.

"Sorry to disturb you both, I will come back later" Mrs. Mary let out trying to stiffen her smile.


We both spoke at the same time and once again looked at each other. Forthwith I noticed that Chanyeol's face was also red but not a lot, and could only be detected by sitting near him.
I pursed my lips to stifle the smile while focusing my gaze on Mrs. Mary.

"Actually, Madam wants your advice regarding something, maybe about your all visit to the Church tomorrow."

"Oh, okay."

With that, I stood up from my place and started to amass my things. That's when  I acknowledged that one earphone was still plugged into Chanyeol's ear.
I thought twice before deciding to leave my phone with him as he was scrutinizing my every move.

I send a little smile towards him mostly feeling apologetic and then left the scene with Mrs.Mary.

A teasing look already took place on her face as soon as we departed.
"Something's up today, I can hear the drums and violins somewhere here."

I looked over to her and whined
"Oh, c'mon don't be like that."

"Oh, Sia are you mad at me that I caught you both sitting with your husband while having an intense staring battle. But don't you worry I'm not going to tell this to anyone." She laughed after teasing me like this.

Rather than a normal employee, I have always treated her as my older sister, with respect and she always treats me as her younger sister and not as an employer. Thereon getting teased and laughed off we finally found mother with dad in the library. I knocked before entering and then went near her.
"Mother, were you looking for me?"

"Oh yes, Sweety. I talked to the mother and we discussed regarding her wanting to visit the Church to say the evening prayer. So she also wants to visit the orphanage to spend some time there. How about we also prepare them lunch and dinner. This way children will feel at home, right."

"That's a very nice idea, Mother. I will select the dishes and will take care of all the ingredients and will make sure the food delivers there on time."

"I know I can trust you, dear."

She chortled as she blew a kiss towards me but dad was fast enough to catch it. "Why give it to her, when I'm still present here." Both mother and I cracked up at this action of his.

"Oh! Looks like my daughter-in-law had been to a spa finally."

"Really! you should have told me to accompany as well." Mother grieved immediately.

"But, I haven't been to a spa, dad is joking again." I defended myself.

'No, no I'm not joking you're looking really pretty, I don't know why though." Dad told them while inspecting me.

Mrs. Mary who was standing aside from all the commotion suddenly spoke up.   "It is the effect of hormones caused by one's body when you are deep in love with someone, that makes you look beautiful."

I choked on my saliva as I considered her statement. It can't be, it is impossible, it's not like I have sex with him. No way only touching and staring can arise these so-called hormones. As I was debating in my head both elders were looking at me with their lips slightly hooked up. They were also sending secret signals to Mary to know about the whole situation.

I left the scene feeling embarrassed. I think my mind isn't working properly.
I need to get a medical check-up done before I go crazy.


Hey, I'm back with a small CH this time though, cuz the next one is gonna be very big so I think you can forgive me.
Anyway, I published another story with Sehun have you all seen it, if not then, please check it out.

So, who is hereafter being dead and turning into a spirit? Cuz you know nobody survived it, yes nobody. Even I'm not alive my spirit is updating the story. And by chance, by chance, if you missed the masterpiece then go and check out and join us in the afterlife.

And since you have already died than let's just go to samsara cuz of this:

He is back EXo-Ls, he promised us, and really nothing has changed. His face, voice, he himself nothing-at-all.

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