47- A break

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Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in months. I started a business, this whole pandemic and then working and depression hit haha. I'm here though and I appreciate you all so much for sticking with me. I love you guys. I hope you enjoy this part <3



           "I don't know either". I said, biting my bottom lip. Cleo was sitting beside me, staring at the carpet.  We both didn't think Dawson or Jay would be okay with this and didn't know where to go from here. 

         "I'm attracted to you Taylor..". He whispered, not looking at me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I find you attractive too". I whispered back. His head darted up and I saw how flushed his face was.  "I-.." He stopped and ran a hand through his hair. 

   "This isn't weird to you?". I asked, making sure only he could hear me. "Should it be? I mean with you I don-". He stopped and stood up.  "I need to change my insulin pump". He said. I followed him into their room but stopped at the door. 

        "Oh come on, don't be shy". He said, waving me over. "How long have you had diabetes?".  I asked. "Since I was eight maybe". He replied. I watched him look through his dresser and turn to me. He stuffed his shirt in his mouth and I cringed when he started changing it. "Not as painful as it looks, just some discomfort . Jay usually gives me a treat after". He laughed.

        I raised an eyebrow and stood in one place as he went to wash his hands .I was just about to head back downstairs when he called me "Ye-".  He caught me off guard when he came out the bathroom in just a shirt. 

          "Will you be my treat?". He asked, low enough to where I had to strain my ears to hear. My ears started to ring. He was playing with the hem of shirt and giving me a look.  I had no idea what to do, ruin the moment and get Dawson, do I text Jay.. Like how does this work. I had no idea. However, I found myself opening the door wide and turning back to him.

       I cupped his face in my hands and smashed my lips against his. He let out a muffled moan and relaxed against me. He tasted so sweet. His lips were so soft. I paused and just rested my lips against his. He was breathing heavy and I put a hand on his hips to try and slow it down. 

       Reaching behind him , I pulled his head back slightly and started kissing on his neck. "Oh..". He groaned , holding my shoulders. I reached back up and smiled against his lips. "You like that?". I whispered and he giggled.  I definitely had no experience in the topping department but I had an idea. Lube. Lube and more Lube.  I raised his shirt up just above his nipples and bent down to take one in my mouth.

          Cleo arched his back and let out a moan. "Fu-yess yess". He cried when I cupped his balls. IK massaged them and watched his facial expressions. He was really enjoying this , his eyes were closed and he was licked his bottom lip. 

     I dipped down and licked inside his belly button causing him to pull his legs up. 

 "Told you we shouldn't leave them alone". Jay's deep voice spoke. I flung myself backwards so fast my eyes wide as Dawson crossed his arms and stared at me.

           "I- I was just changing my insulin!". Cleo said, rolling over.  Jay raised an eyebrow . "Here I am cooking us a lovely dinner and you're up here having a lovely time". Jay said. Cleo looked like he was about to cry. Maybe we should've just asked. Maybe I shouldn't have told him. I should've never acted on this. Maybe it was just a phase. 

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