Chapter four

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I know I'm tagging them a lot but it'salso her story and tagging only works half the time. AlsoI forgot to explain that Remy, Thomas and Emile are adults. Logan knew Thomas's litte brother but got close with Thomas because of intelligence levels then met Remy and Emile through Thomas. Thomas still does youtube but he does it on the side and opened a marine life recovery thing.

Patton thinks, then gives a small smile, reaching a hand to touch Romans arm.

Patton: I'll go too.

Roman quickly translates.Roman: Patton says he'll go.

Logan: Okay some people are going to lift you out of the water. Okay?

Roman: Okay.

Roman tells Patton and they get lifted out of the tank and into smaller ones.

Remy: Hey babe I'm Remy.

Roman: I'm Roman. What's that?

Patton splashed a bit, looking around some more as the spot change opened a better view. He accidentally got a bit of water on Virgil, but he just let out a huff of laughter.

Virgil: Have you not already looked around this place?

Patton tilts his head, then tries recreating some of the syllables from Virgil.

Patton: Ha yo...?

Virgil blinked: Oh,, you can't speak english.

Patton: O yo?

Patton was genuinely trying, but Virgil couldn't help but laugh a bit, making Patton smile.

Remy: Wait,you've never had coffee?

Roman: No...

Remy: You need to try this babe.

Remy hands Roman a frappuccino from Starbucks.

Roman takes a sip and his eyes widen.Roman: Wow,this is really good.

Remy: You can keep it babe.

Roman: Thanks.

Patton continued to copy syllables as Virgil spoke a bunch of random phrases, laughing a bit as the mer attempted speech.

Patton: Frog!

Virgil, nodding and smiling: Hey, yeah! Thats a word!

Time skip to when they get to the place (I can't remember what it's called)

Roman and Patton get put into a tank about twice the size of the aquariums. Thomas walks over to them.

Thomas: Hello,I'm Logan's friend Thomas. I have a very important question ask; do either of you still have any open cuts?

Roman: I'm not sure,nothing hurts at the moment. I'll ask Patton.Roman translates Thomas's question for Patton.

Patton: No, I don't think I have any cuts.

Thomas: Well, I need to keep working. I'll check on you guys later.

Patton did a few small circles in their new tank, getting a general look around from what he could while still practically blind.

When Patton accidentally runs into the wall a few times Roman swims up to the surface.

Roman: Logan, Virgil. There's something wrong with Patton. He keeps hitting the wall.

Logan hands Roman his glasses.

Roman: What are these?Logan: Those are called glasses.

Give them to Patton, if my suspicions are correct then he will need some too.

(So Patton had glasses before they were captured but they didn't know they were glasses because it was found in the ocean.)

Patton rubbed his shoulder after bumping into a wall again, squinting and then sighing as he realized it was just the wall.

Roman swims down and hands Patton the glasses

.Patton: What's this?

Roman: They're *in English* glasses. *not English* put them on your face.

Patton: Okay!

Patton put the glasses on, then made a surprised noise as his vision cleared

.Patton, happily surprised: Hey, these glasses let me see!

It was kinda funny how he said glasses, trying to copy how Roman said it but not quite getting it.

Roman: That's good! I'll tell Logan and Virgil that it worked so maybe Thomas could get you a pair.

Patton: Okay!

Roman goes to the surface and is surprised when Logan already has another pair on.

Roman: How do you have another pair?

Logan: Well I think that's it's adequate to carry backups in case something goes wrong.

Roman: ad-a-quite? What's that mean?

Logan: It means good.

Patton decides to swim to the surface.

Patton glances at them, then taps Romans arm with a curious look.

Patton, mumbling: How do I tell him thank you?

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