Chapter five

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I honestly don't know how long it's going to be. I hope it's at least 15+ chapters though.

Roman,whispering: *EnglishTh-an-k u

Patton,whispering:*not English* Thanks Roman.

Patton, beaming at Logan: Thank you!

He said it pretty well, and it sounded right so hey that's progress, yeah? Either way, he was happy to see.

Thomas then busts into the room.

Thomas: Guys there's an issue. Somebody filmed us getting Roman and Patton out of the aquarium and now a news company wants to film them.

Virgil: Easy just say no.

Thomas: If I do that then there's a chance that I'll get accused of not treating them right.

Roman: I'll do it. You helped me and Patton out so I'll do it.

I'll ask Patton too.Roman translates what Thomas said.

Patton, hesitant but nods: As long as they're nice when filming I don't mind... plus I'll still have you here, so it's okay!

He gave a pure lil smile, once again seeing the best in everything.

Roman tells Thomas what Patton said.

Thomas: Thanks Guys. Logan and Virgil can come too.

Roman's face lights up at that and when he translates for Patton so does his.

Time skip to when the people come

Patton watches them curiously, not knowing what their equipment did. He was idly messing with the side of his newly given glasses and leaning on the surface of the tank, his upper-half out of the water for a better view.

Roman looked at the equipment. He knew a little of what they did but not much. He still tells Patton what he does know.

Roman *pointing to the camera: That's a camera. *pointing to the microphone* That's a microphone. A camera makes it so the person can see themselves after after they did something. A microphone makes it so they're voices are louder.

Patton: That's. So. Cool

Roman: Sssshhhh I think it's starting.

The lady suddenly walks up to the tank.

Lady: So you're Patton and Roman.

Patton looks a bit confused but still smiles.

Roman: Yes Mrs

Lady: Oh that's interesting you can understand me. What about your friend?

Roman: He's still learning.

Lady: So do you agree that Mr. Sanders is treating you right?

Roman: Mr. Sanders? Do you mean Thomas? Cause yeah Thomas has been treating us greatly.The lady points over to Logan and Virgil.Lady: Well who are they?

Roman: They're the ones who helped us get here. Logan even gave Patton his glasses! Well he had extra ones anyways.

Lady: Can I see both of your tails?

Roman nods and tells Patton that the lady wanted to see their tails. The both of them present theirs, Roman being slightly more dramatic with it while Patton was a little shy, making sure not to splash water at the lady.

Lady: Well aren't they beautiful.

Roman: Thanks Mrs.

Patton: Thank youu..

Lady: You're welcome. Well that concludes are segment. Back to you Judith. (Or whatever)Roman: What does the equipment do?

Lady: Well you probably know about the common ones. The boom mic makes the audio quality better the wires charge most things and the light makes it easier to see what we're filming.

Roman: Thanks.Roman quickly tells Patton,using English for any word that didn't have a translation.

Patton nodded to his explanation, looking around the room curiously at the equipment.

(Another focus switch)

Philip: Janus, you need to get those mermaids one can even talk. Make sure you get that one. He will sell higher than the other one.

Janus: But you already have-

Philip: Get. The. Mermaid.

Janus: Yes sir.Philip: Good.

Ooooooo what's going to happen.I wonder.

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