Chapter sixteen

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The court date arrived and Roman awkwardly shifted in his small half tank— it was mainly to keep his tail wet as he sat in the courtroom. They were going to broadcast it on TV apparently, which made sense since its technically the first crime against merfolk from humans. Philip kept glaring at him, and it wasn't helping how anxious he was. He didn't understand human court, but Thomas had assured he just had to tell the truth. Sounds easy enough, right? Right. Thomas was sitting in the fenced off row directly behind him, his hand on the edge on Romans tank in case he needed comfort. Unfortunately, Remus and Patton had to stay at the sanctuary, but Logan, Virgil, Remy, and Emilie had shown up and were sitting with Thomas.  Uhhhh yada yada we gon' skip to him being at the stand.

He'd done the oath and had been asked a few things, but was more anxious than ever. He could feel his heart beating like crazy, and it was getting harder to breath.

Lawyer person(??): May we see your scars you gained from the incident?

Roman nodded meekly, turning to the side to show the scar on his shoulder. He pointed to the scar, explaining which was left from being harmed at the aquarium before hand and then where Philip had dug a knife in to purposely traumatize him and had made it worse. Then, the guy asked about Patton and Remus' injuries and such.

Roman, shakily speaking: W-Well, Patton was pulled out and forced to be kissed by Philip, then got his scales nearly completely dried out

He paused, taking a deep breath as he tried to stay calm. It wasn't working and he was visibly shaking. He tried to speak again, and instead was sent into a panic attack, his breathing heavy and his sight going black. He let out a sob, and could heart people reacting in pity or surprise. A few people got up, and he heard a knock of wood on wood, probably the judge gavel. Hugging himself, he curled up and sunk into his small tank, completely submerged in water as he sobbed in the corner of the tank, still breathing raggedly.

Thomas quickly gets out of his seat. Dashing to get to Roman. Not hesitating he gently pulls Roman partially out of the water. Leaning Roman head on his chest he goes through the motions.

Thomas: In for four. Can you do that for me?

Roman shakes his head.

Thomas: Feel me doing it.

Thomas Inhales for four seconds.Roman does the same.

Thomas: Good job. I'm so proud of you. Now hold for seven. One two three four five six seven. There you go you got this. Now out of eight. One two three four five six seven eight.

They go through the motions a few times. Cameras zoomed in on the two but the court room deadly silent besides Thomas whispering to Roman.Eventually the distressed mer calms down.

Roman: Th-Thanks Thomas.

Thomas smiled at him: Of course. Do you want to stop? You've said all you need to, they said you can be excused.

Roman nods: Please... I want to go home.

Thomas smiles: Hang tight, I'll let them know.

He goes and talks to whoever he has to, Roman fidgeting as Philip glares and he feels everyone's stare. The others stand from where they were sitting with Thomas and help to move Romans tank.After a while they were sitting in the car, everyone quiet as they waited for Thomas to come.

Location and time skip to sanctuary

Thomas runs out to the  car and goes into where Roman, Patton,and Remus were

Thomas: Guys guess what?

Roman: What?

Thomas: We won!

Roman: That's great news!

Roman quickly translates to Patton.

Patton:Yay. He won't be able to hurt anyone.

*insert cheesy finish quote*(My mind can't think of anything)(Oh wait I have one!)

And the mers will be safe. Because if their new family.

So that was the end. I hope you enjoyed!

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