Chapter twelve

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Yeah it's taking me forever to copy,paste and format. This was made in dms.

Thomas and the others arrive.

Thomas: So there are three ways to do this. Accuse him and try to intimidate him, try to 'buy' Roman and Patton back -as horrible as that sounds- or try to pry for information.

Virgil: Got it.

The anxious teen walks to the door and knocks. Janus opens it.

Janus: Virgil! It's so great to see you come inside!

Virgil thinks of truths he can tell without giving anything away. He takes a seat next to Janus.

Janus: So what brings you here?

Virgil: I felt the need to see you.

Janus: I thought you would never find me. How did you find me?

Virgil: I went to your moms house.

Zlyer stomps in.

Zlyer:You locked me out! Hey, is that a buyer for the mermai-

Janus: No! No, this is my friend from awhile back.

Zlyer: Sure, whatever have fun.

Virgil: Did he say selling mermaid? Is that what you have been doing all this time? J

anus: No...

Virgil smirks a bit.Virgil: If so I would love to have two,maybe three. Unless you want the cops here in two minutes.


Janus: But that could get me killed!

Virgil: Then just tell me the address. I'll break in at night. If the guy your working for is doing something illegal which he probably is then he cannot go to the cops. Deal?

Janus narrows his eyes, then lets out a frustrated sigh: Let me speak with Zyler first.

Virgil: Fine.

The two go into the kitchen, leaving Virgil on the couch as they speak in hushed voices.

Zyler, immediately: Philip will wring your neck.

Janus, wincing: Not if he can't put the blame on us. We have no part in his plan, and I don't want the cops on my tail the rest of my life.

Zyler, pausing: I know... but, are you willing to give this up? We could lose our job, involved or not.

Janus: Zyler, if that does happen then... I'll think of something. You and I both know neither of us want more of a guilty conscience.

This makes Zyler go quiet for a moment, then sigh, his hands gripping his hair lightly as he leans on the counter.

Zyler, letting out a tense breath: Okay.

Janus, standing up a bit straighter: Okay?

Zyler: Yeah. Do it.

The two exchange nods, Zyler smiling faintly as Janus turns around and walks to Virgil with a bit more of a relaxed pose. The two were practically family, ignoring the not very clear banter and threats, so Zyler would go along with it if he was sure.

Janus, sitting back down: Okay... I can give you the address. But!

Janus puts a finger up, giving a firm look: I may not have much bargain room here—

Virgil, rolling his eyes: Clearly.

Janus, narrows his eyes but continues: but I'd like to be completely left out of your plan to get them.

Janus quickly added: Zyler as well.

Virgil: Alright fine.

Janus writes down the address in green pen, folding the paper and handing it over. He gives Virgil a serious, firm, and yet somehow soft look.

Janus: V, I'm serious about keeping us out. We'll be effected either way, but our lives are at risk. Janus adds quietly: We may not be in touch anymore, but there's no way you could forget where I come from. I have a reason to go as far as this type of work.He's scared. He's very scared that his entire life is going to be torn down, and with it, Zylers.

Yay another chapter!

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