📝Chapter 42. August 24, 2014 VMA's

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August 24, 2014

Los Angeles, California

Video Music Awards 2014

(Taylor's perspective)

Today is the day of the video music awards. The fans are so excited for my nominations. I know what they are voting until their thumbs fall off. I love how if they want to active something they work hard and get it.

I put on my dress that had long sleeves but it short at the bottom, it is blue with yellow letters all over the dress. I thought it was interesting, something different then I usually wear. I finish off the look putting on bright pink high heals.

This is Elizabeth's first award show and I am SO nervous

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This is Elizabeth's first award show and I am SO nervous. What if someone does wrong? What if she gets lost? What if someone takes her? What if she gets hurt somehow? What if- Oh my God Stop thinking Taylor you are over reacting. Everything will be fine.

"Taylor can you help me zip up my dress?" Elizabeth asks from the bathroom snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Okay." I said. I hear the bathroom door open and I see Elizabeth walk out of the bathroom wearing a red sparkly dress with a v neck but the cut isn't too low, the length of the dress stops just above her knee, she is wearing black high heals. Her hair is curled and is up in a bun but it's still kinda loose and you can see the curls well. For her make up she is wearing wearing mascara, and red lipstick.

I gasp "Oh Elizabeth you look so beautiful." I said "Thank you." Elizabeth said turning around so I can help zip up her dress. I zip up her dress and I get out some of the wrinkles in the dress.

"There now you look all red carpet ready and to show off the world your pretty face. Not that your face was not pretty before it was and it is still pretty with or without makeup." I said quickly realizing my mistake and Elizabeth laughed.

"It's okay." Elizabeth said.

"Are you excited?" I asked.

"Yes." Elizabeth said looking in the mirror and fixing her earrings.

"I bet a lot of boys will have there eye on you tonight." I teased and Elizabeth looked at me threw the mirror and her face is starting to get red from embarrassment.

"No they won't, none of the guys at the orphanage even payed attention to me." Elizabeth said.

"I bet guys will have their eye on you." Elizabeth said and I laughed.

"Are you nervous?" I ask. "I'm terrified." Elizabeth said.

"Don't worry it will be fun! I love going to awards shows they are like free concerts from all different types of music." I said.

"Yeah that makes sense and a good way to look at it. And speaking of that this would be my first concert in a way!" I said.

"That's exciting." I said.

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