The true Monster

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"Hisashi!" Inko Shigaraki-Shield spoke her husbands name as she felt two strong arms wrap around her from behind. But then she noticed something, she smelled alcohol, she had always hated it when he drank but she was never able to stop him. She wasn't able to stop him just because he was so often away, he was a hard working man that only wanted the best for his familiy but never took care of himself.

The tall white haired man's fingers clawed into her skin, he had never done anything like that to her before. The young woman winced and whimpered, "H-Hisashi, it hurts!" she spoke as good as possible since the pain got worse as the man's nails grew in seconds. He didn't say anything instead he pushed her to the ground.

She was finally able to look her husband in the eyes but only saw rage in them. She also noticed red and black lightning flickering around him. She was confused and scared, he had told her that his quirk was fire breathing but this didn't look like fire. She quickly tried to get away to get away from Hisashi but flew up in the air and flew into his hands instead. A devilish smile grew on the white man's lips, he had a bad day but taking it out on weaker useless people always made him feel good.

The Morning had started good, he had woken up as usual at his apartment he had for business. But then the first bad thing happened, his phone rang. "The Scorpions were caught by some pro's, we won't get the money from them, boss" A villain told him, the guy was nothing special, he had killed one or two people, dealed with drugs but he was not a big deal. But the Scorpions were a big deal, they were a big gang that he did business with very often and they owed him money.

The man huffed as he put his mask on, he couldn't risk anybody seeing him without it. He quickly made his way into the bar and looked for Tomura. The gray haired eight year old boy was sitting in a corner, he was staring at the ash gray hand in his hands. His red eyes were filled with rage. A man covered in black fog stepped up next to the Villain boss, "A Hero saw him as he killed two people. He was only able to injure him before he got away" Kurogiri explained what had happened. Hisashi had to hold back his anger, he couldn't let the boy change his mind about him. He had to make the boy hate All Might more than anything and showing his anger would only make him hate him instead. The Villain took a deep breath, "Did anything else happen?" he asked calmly. "Our Police spy contacted us, they're onto us, Sensei." Kurogiri told his master.

The man slowly walked up to the many bottles behind the bar. He was about to pour dark liquid into a shot glass but instead he shook his head and took the whole bottle. "I'll be back in a bit" he mumbled before walking out the door with the bottle in hand.


Hisashi Shigaraki-Shield had finished three bottles, he had bought more after the first one was empty. He was completely drunk and only stumbled towards the Shigaraki-Shield Apartment.

His wife, Inko Shigaraki-Shield was nothing more than a little experiment. He needed a new body, his body looked fine to anybody due to a Illusion quirk but in truth he had only a few years to life. His plan was to make the perfect healthy body for himself, his child. He just had to wait and see if one of his two children would inherited his quirk, the rest wouldn't be an issue. But he was wrong, it turned out different than he wanted.

He heard a gasp as he pulled the blade that was coming out of his arm out of his wife's lifeless body. He quickly turned around but the young mint green haired boy that was standing at the door had already made his way towards him. The young Izuku clinged to his fathers leg and tried bit him as hard as possible while tears were streaming down his little face. "Get off you piece of shi-" The white haired man was stopped as he noticed something, he had screwed up. The little boy was stealing his fathers quirks, slowly, one after another they left the man's body. This was the perfect child for his plans but he wouldn't be able to take the body with the few quirks that he had left after kicking the boy away. Hisashi quickly stumbled out the door, his scarred face was clearly visible to the world. His son had even taken his Illusion quirk, the only thing he had left were a few medical quirks that would keep him alive for a while and a quirk that allowed him to see without having eyes.


Izuku was left alone crying over his dead mother's body. He stared at the dull golden eyes of his mother till he felt a hand dragging him away, as he looked up he saw the face of his uncle. He looked around and noticed that the police had arrived. His little sister was sitting with a female officer that tried to comfort her.

"You'll life with me from now on, okay Izuku?"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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