The Monster

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"Not her!" Izuku screamed as he woke up in his bed next to Jane. He was covered in cold sweat and tears were running down his face. "Babe? Are you okay?" Jane asked sleepily as she rubbed her eyes "Yeah, I'm fine, just a nightmare" he laid back down and put an arm around her. "He isn't here, he can't hurt anybody" she comforted him while petting his arm. "You're right, you're right. He can't do anything" he said more to himself than to her as he slowly drifted back into the darkness he had just woken up from.

"Deku-ku-" "Not Deku, dickhead" The mint green haired boy cut the bubbly brunette off. He had eyebags under his eyes and his hair was a little messier than usually. The girl just ignored it "Are you okay, Deku-kun? What has this whore been doing to you!?" she asked the young man who just insulted her. "Still not Deku and Jane didn't do anything, dipshit" he said as his eyebags slowly disappeared and his hair formed back to it's original form. "But she's ruining you, look what sh-" "Fuck off, this is the real me, Deku was the fake! He just existed because of a stupid bet. Get it in you fucking head!" he was clearly annoyed by the gravity quirk user but she still didn't let go of him. "But Deku-kun-" "Shut the fuck up, I can't deal with your shit right now!" he yelled as strong wind formed inside the closed room. Izuku's appearance slowly changed again, his hair was messy again, the large eyebags were back and a small hole had appeared on both of his palms. Black and red lightning flickered up around Izuku's hands as a memory came into his mind. It was the day that he had been useless, the day that he couldn't safe someone, someone that was important to him.

"De-" "No I fucking told you to shut up, fuckface! I didn't have the nice little live that Deku told you about! You won't believe it, but not everybody lives in your little bubble, the world is cruel! I learnt that from a young age, Jane, Zumi and Kat where the people that helped me survive!" He yelled at her, tears had formed in his eyes. "M-Midoriya" she stuttered, "You fucking know what, not even that is my real name! My name is Izuku- " He got interrupted as the door flung open and Jane ran inside and hugged him, the floor behind her head purple and black lines where she had stepped and seemed to be burning in a similar colour. "I came as soon as I heard the security system" she whispered into his ear as she comforted him. Only then he noticed the loud alarm that was ringing through the halls. "I'm sorry, I almost lost control again" he whispered as he slowly let go of her. "Don't apologize, it was that bitch's fault" "Hey! I can understand a little English. I didn't do anything! It's all just your fau-" Uraraka yelled as she pointed at Jane. "Can't you just fuck off!?" Izuku shouted as something inside his body activated. Immense fear flooded her body as she saw his eyes. It was like her worst nightmares just got real and hunted her down.

She quickly stumbled backwards out of the room while muttering the word "Monster" over and over again. As soon as she was gone something new filled the silence, Izuku started to laugh, it wasn't the typical laughter when someone told a joke but instead a bitter laugher wich quickly became an insane laughter. "I guess I'm becoming more and more like him" he laughed as Jane hugged him thighter. "Don't listen to her, you are nothing like him." She whispered comfortingly, "You never killed, you have people you love, you have people that love you. I love you" she told him before sinking into a passionate kiss. "You're right, I just have to get my pills" he mumbled as he got back up after sinking to the ground while hugging her. He quickly rushed to a drawer made out of dark wood and grabbed a small box from inside. He swallowed the light blue pill with some water and calmed down.


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