Chapter 2: training and making progress

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You stepped into the small shack, seeing a ladder going into the ground, E Gadd climbed down, followed by Luigi. You sighed, carefully placing your left foot on the rusty metal before placing the other foot on, then slowly made your way down into a room with cobblestone walls, there was a weird invention to your left, something with levers and buttons, there was a door near some bookshelves and another metal door near a weird picture at the back of the room.

"So what's your names?" E Gadd asked, fixing his round glasses on his face.

"I'm Y/N," you stated "and this is Luigi." Your roommate waved shyly at the elderly man. "W-we arrived here because we won a mansion from a contest we didn't enter."

E Gadd seemed to be in thought, "you won that mansion in a contest you didn't even enter? Seems pretty fishy to me. I've been living here since I was a lad of 20 or so and that mansion appeared just a few days ago!"

Luigi stared in shock at the man in front of him, "now that I get a good look at you, a guy in a red cap like yours went up to the mansion without even stopping to chat, was he a dream too?"

"T-that's Mario! My brother!" Luigi cried.

"What?" E Gadd stated, "He was your brother, you have to go after him. I'll teach you how to catch ghosts so you can rescue Mario!"


"So...these are?" You questioned slipping the weird vacuum on your shoulders, your's was f/c whilst Luigi's was red.

"There called the poltergust 3000!" E Gadd said proudly through the game boy horror, "They can do a lot of things, sucking up ghosts, stunning them and they can shoot fire, water and ice. We'll get to them when the time comes, anyway press the red button on the pipe, and practice using the suction."

You saw the button and pressed it, causing the vacuum to start up and you held the pipe tightly, getting used to the suction.

"Right we should start our training! Remember this you two! Ghosts avoid light and hide in darkness. Use your flashlight to stun then and quickly turn on your vacuum to start catching the ghost."

As E Gadd finished talking the light went off, Luigi was already shaking in fear whilst you contained it. Just then a ghost appeared you turned your flashlight on once it drew closer and once it's heart showed, you pressed the red button and quickly sucked the ghost up. Luigi looked at you with determination in his eyes as a ghost appeared for him he followed your actions and caught the golden ghost. You gave him a thumbs up and he gave a shy smile, however that's when four ghosts appear.

You tried to stun both, however only got one, you quickly sucked it up and turned your attention on the other. Luigi finished with both of his, catching them at the same time.

"Here they come!"

You heard E Gadd yell from the GB, you even heard him from the other room. However your attention was snapped towards the hoard of ghosts approaching you and Luigi, you sucked two of them up at the same time, however one got away, and Luigi caught four of them. "You two did amazingly! Well done!" E Gadd praised, you wipes the sweat off your face with the sleeve of your f/c hoodie. "How about a cool down in the gallery, I'm quiet proud of it you know."

"Sure why not," Luigi said, you have a small nod in agreement as the two of you left the training room.

In the gallery, you looked around, stone brick like walls with frames hung, but nothing in them. Two hallways were seen with many frames, and two angle statues standing in the front of the hallways. "Are the frames suppose to be empty?" You asked, E Gadd seemed to let out a heavy sigh.

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