Chapter 13: darkness

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Me and Luigi had left the lab and walked up the stairs of the mansion up to the door with a diamond on it. "Let's hope nothing bad happens..." Luigi muttered, of course nothing can go perfect as once the door was released from its thorn prison, Lightning struck the mansion, causing all of the small lamps on the balcony to flicker and soon they went off. Everything was pitch black...


"L-Luigi, It's fine, it's just a blackout!" I tried to reassure him as Luigi suddenly latched onto me in fear. Then, the GB started to ring.

"Hello? E Gadd?"

"...Criminy! What a calamity! The electricity has gone out, the ghosts would have the run of the place in the dark!" E Gadd yelled, "also there are a few of those speedy spirits about, I've marked them for you two, be careful!"

He then left us and immediately a golden ghost appeared, Luigi quickly opened the door in front of us and we exited the balcony before more ghost spawned, "w-well...t-that was..."

I was cut off by a distant ringing, Luigi's eyes widened with fear. "W-what's that...?"

I just shrugged and quietly made my way towards the noise with Luigi behind me, just a little too close. I opened one of the doors to reveal a large room with three telephones, the far one was ringing, Luigi walked over to the telephone and answered it.

"Hello who is this?" A voice was heard on the other end, however I kinda zoned out and looked at the far wall, only for something chilling to show. The lightning struck, cause it mine and Luigi's shadow's to appear...Luigi's was him unmoving and off the ground, seemingly hanging himself. On the other hand, I was stud beside him, a crown on my head and glowing red eyes.

Fear crawled up my spine, I couldn't take my eyes of the wall as every lightning strike showed the shadows.

"Hello? E-Earth to Y/N...?"

I snapped out of my frozen state and looked at Luigi, who had a very worried expression as always. "S-sorry I just saw something...strange..." I muttered. Before Luigi could ask you about what you saw three ghosts appeared, a golden ghost, pink puncher and a blue twirler. They where quickly felt with without no problems.

"Who was on the phone?" I asked, Luigi turned towards me.

"It was E Gadd, he said something about a ghost named uncle Grimmly in the wardrobe room," Luigi stated, "but first...let's go and get these speedy spirits taken care of.

~TimeSkip brought to you by Luigi's seashells~

We finally got the speedy spirits all caught and now it was time to head to the wardrobe room. As we opened the door, nothing was there. "Maybe it's like Neville?" I muttered, Luigi then seemingly got an idea, "what's the idea then?"

"Well how about you try and transform into your ghost cat form?" Luigi said, "maybe uncle grimmly won't see you as a threat?"

I gave a small nod, "but I think we should exit the room and come back, we did take care of the all ghosts in the room next door right?"

"Yeah, let's go then."

We left the room and I turned into a ghostly cat, I had light blue, transparent fur with a darker aura. Little sparkles floated around me and I had three tails.

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