Chapter 3: terrifying Child Care

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You quietly opened the parlor door, Luigi followed as the two of you entered the foyer. Whipping out the GameBoy, you saw that a key you obtained from the wardrobe room. "So this key is for that door?" You questioned, Turning towards Luigi who quickly nodded.

You were about to put the GameBoy away, that was until you heard it ringing like a god dame phone. You answered and heard E Gadd from the other side, "hold it there you two, I'm detecting a powerful presence from behind the door, it may be some of the escaped gallery ghosts!"

"H-how do we deal with them?" Luigi stuttered, you felt as if it would be harder than what you've come across. The golden ghosts were fine, but then there were pink punchers (I'm not calling them purple because there obviously not purple and I'm in Europe) and these green ghosts that threw banana peels, oh yeah and a weird blue Variant of the gold ghosts, which was quick and released a lot of money.

E Gadd chuckled lightly, "well they won't show there heart like the normal ghosts, you have to find there weakness, well good luck!" Before you could say anything the old flute hung up, and you groaned in annoyance.

Luigi rubber the back of his neck, his blue eyes looked into your angry E/C ones, "are you ok?" He quietly asked, you let out a small sigh and gave a small nod, "you've really been on edge ever since E Gadd told his story in the gallery."

"It's nothing," you quickly responded, "I'm just worried about your brother, that's all."

Luigi looked as if he was very hurt by this, he looked away, "Right... well we might as well as stop standing around and get on with this."

You raised a brow at Luigi's sudden change in behaviour, but even if he's angry at something, or someone, he will still show fear in his voice if there was anything to do with ghosts. You quickly put your GameBoy back in your hoodie pocket as the both of you entered a small hallway with a few doors, oh and mice. Luigi then checked his GameBoy and after a few seconds he turned to the door on the right. "This is the only door that's open."

You gave a small nod and opened it, grinding a room with a few bookshelves, a table that had a pile of books and a quill. A chair next to it on the right side of the room. A fireplace sat at the back and a lone chair was a few steps away from it, however the chair was moving, on its own.

"I'll look around the table, ok? You go and search the bookshelves." You stated, Luigi gave a nod and went to the left of the room, you going the opposite direction, you opened the books on the wooden oak table and found some bills, however a book then smacked you in the face, causing you to stumble back and hold your nose in pain.

"Y/N...!" You heard Luigi cry as he rushes to your side.

You lifted yourself up and smiled, still holding your nose, "I-I'm fine really." That when you felt something warm trickle from your nose, removing your hand you saw blood.

"I-I have some tissues!" Luigi said, only now realising. He pulled them out from his overall pocket and took one out of the packet, only to them gently dab it under your nose.

"L-Luigi... I can do it myself." You muttered, your cheeks burning, Luigi just shook his head.

He stopped once he heard a noise come from behind them. It sounded like a yawn, however when the Italian plumber turned around there was no one to be found. "What was that? Who's there?" Luigi asked, fear laced in his voice. No answer.

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