Chapter 4: releasing the boo's

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"Great work you two!" E Gadd congratulated you and Luigi happily as the gallery ghosts were shoved into their frames and taken to the gallery. "You two can take a break if you want."

"You want to have a rest Luigi?" You asked the plumber beside you as he was fixing the poltergust on his back.

He then turned towards you, "I think we should keep going!" He sound way more determined that usual.

"Are you finally coming out of your shell Luigi?" E Gadd chuckled, "you seem to be very determined."

"W-well I just want to save my brother is all!" He responded.

You and Luigi quickly left the lab and walked up to the mansion, the cold air hitting your face, making you shiver. Even with your hoodie on. Luigi then opened the door to the mansion and looked around the foyer. You also entered quickly to get away from the cold. That's when the both of you noticed the heart door glowing pink. You walked up to it and like magic, the thorns disappeared. You used the key to open the door, and your greeted by a hallway.

"Check your GB Luigi whilst I watch out for ghosts," you murmured. Luigi gave a quick nod and pulled his GB out to look at the map.

"There's a Room all the way down here," Luigi said as he pointed to an open room.

"So that's the place we're heading."

The both of you walked to the right to see a long hall with two doors, eating could be heard from the door on the left. Luigi took the lead as they reached the open room after having trouble with bats and ceiling ghosts. You opened the door and saw a bathroom, Luigi then followed and as soon as both of you were in, the door slammed shut and two white ghosts appeared, you immediately stunned one and sucked it up, Luigi however was grabbed, about to be suffocated.

"Don't you touch him!" You yelled, as you stunned the ghost, letting Luigi escape and you sucked it up. You let out a sigh in relief as you heard a key drop onto the floor, however you heard the ringtone of Luigi's GB, he rolled his eyes and answered.

"Looks like you got in a bit of trouble Luigi, good thing Y/N was there to help, if you ever get caught by them ghosts just shake them off. It's the old age struggle for survival, don't loose hart you too!" With that he hung up leaving the room in silence.

"Thank you Y/N," Luigi mumbled, rubbing his neck, you gave him a small smile.

"No worries, were a team remember?" You took his hand, not noticing the pink hue appearing on his face. You picked up the key and checked the GB, seeing it lead to the door opposite to the one were noises could be heard.

Once they got there, it was a large room with a few chairs to the side and the floor was mostly made up of wood, however there were panels that were checkered. As soon as you and Luigi were both in the room, shy guy ghosts appeared with spears, dancing in pairs.

You quickly ended a pair as you sucked the mask off and stunned them, capturing them in the process. You and Luigi then got rid of the other three pairs and as free that the room went silent. room didn't light up. Instead, the checkered circles on the floor began to spin, only for a dancing couple to appear. "Care for a dance you two? Keep up the pace." The Male ghost spoke.

"Wha?" You mumbled, Luigi then grabbed both of your hands, "what are you doing Luigi?"

"If we can catch them once this dance is over then we might as well get this over with," the Male in green whispered, a dust of pink was on his face. You slowly nodded and the both of you started to do a slow dance, luckily you both had practice so the dance went well enough, steps were on point and it was slow, the ghosts also did there wonderful dance, and since they don't touch the floor anymore, it was much more easier. The ghosts bowed to each other.

"This is our chance!" You stated you immediately shone your light at the two seeing only one heart, meaning they were connected, your poltergust latched onto the make ghost whilst Luigi then dived in to help and sucked up the ghost earring a green dress and hideous makeup. Eventually they were caught and the room lit up and a key dropped onto the floor, "well that went well."

Luigi hummed in agreement and picked up the key, looking at his gameboy to see it lead to the door in this room on the right, "let's get going." The both of you walked towards the door and the green plumber opened it, revealing a strange dusty room with a few chairs stacked and boxes all huddled in a corner, there was a mirror on the wall along with a button on the opposite side.

"What does that button do?" You asked no one in particular, Luigi told you to not press it however a pink puncher then appeared behind you, immediately scaring you and threw a punch to your face, luckily you dodged, and the punch hit the button, activating it and causing the wall to move back, you flashed the ghost and sucked it up, only causing another pink puncher to appear along with two grabber ghost, these ones being red.

The both of you quickly took them out and the room lit up, your attention then drifted towards a poster on the wall, you peeled it off to reveal another button. "Y/N don't-,"

It was too late you pressed the button and a sort cage opened up and emitted some sort of white eerie fog. Then your hatred rose.

"Who's there? Who dares disturb our sleep?" The white balls spoke their tongue sticking out and their fangs showing, "hey it's Luigi and Y/N, there finally here!"

You then backed away Luigi then grabbed your hand, his eyes glared at the boos however there was still fear in his eyes.

"We've got plans for you two!" They all laughed, that's when there king arose from the cage, his purple crown glistening (I'm giving him a purple crown cause it just feels right, yes I know it's red in the first game since I've played it way too many times), "they have E Gadd's poltergust 3000's! Every body scram!"

Every boo the left the room, they were now probably somewhere else in the mansion. Luigi let out a sigh of relief and then turned towards you, "why did you press the button?"

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it!" You put your hands up in surrender but then a ringtone interrupted. You pulled out your GB and answered, "hello?"

"That was them, they released all of the ghosts from the paintings in my gallery! I wondered were king boo and his gang had gone, and they were in the mansion all along thanks for flushing them out!"

"Wait how did you know we found them?" Luigi asked.

"I'm tickled you found them!" E Gadd yelled happily, ignoring Luigi's question, "but it would've probably been the best if... you know, if you didn't let them all escape, anyway you should both probably come back to the lab for a sec." with that he left and the both of you sighed and went to leave the mansion to see what E Gadd wanted us for.

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