Chapter 7: the water element

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You opened the door to the next room or were the key had lead to, you were then hit with the smell of food, as this was the dining room. "Be careful walking around this room, there's a lot of banana peels on the floor." You called back to Luigi as the both of you walked in. And like with melody, there was no ghost to be found.

"Check with the Gameboy," Luigi said, as he was going through the room sucking up the peels so they wouldn't cause any damage.

You gave a small nod and pulled the GB out, seeing a rather round ghost eating a full plate of food on the long table, "no one can see me in this darkness! No one! No one! Noooo one!" The ghosts voice mocked as you looked at him through the GB, this only gave you an idea.

You went over to the torch in the corner and grabbed some fire element, and saw the unlit candles, so you light them to reveal the ghost. And his food. "Now what?"

"Maybe we should get rid of all his food?" Luigi suggested, the two of you then sucked up the food that sat on the plate, and in a matter of seconds it was gone. And the ghost then flashed a furious glare at you and Luigi, banging his hands on the table and yelling in anger. The waiters then made a run for it.

The large ghost then started to spit fireballs at you, well this was going to be rough...

After about a minute of dodging and almost being set on fire, the ghost collapsed in exhaustion, panting and trying to catch his breath. You then immediately started to suck him up, Luigi also helping and eventually after a few seconds he was caught and the room lit up. Revealing a chest full of money. "We could've just skipped that ghost!" You huffed in annoyance.

Luigi then shook his head, "E Gadd wants ALL of his ghost back, so we needed to capture him."


You then walked towards the door on the left and opened it, only to see a golden mouse run across the floor, you quickly caught it as the pots and pans then started flying at you, Luigi then came to your aid and somehow sucked them up. "Thanks," you smiled softly, Luigi then cleared his throat, a faint blush forming on his cheeks.

"N-no problem." Luigi then walked towards the freezer, seeing as it was rattling, opening onto to find a flash ghost to appear and laugh, you then quickly set the ghost on fire and Luigi then sucked it up. The room lit up and revealed a large blue chest. You opened it and grabbed a blue medal with a water symbol on it, you knew what it was used for and this time you didn't get a call from E Gadd. "Did we not notice that the door it literally on fire?"

You turned towards the door for the next destination, seeing that it was indeed on fire, "don't worry!" You said, "we now have the water element!"

As you said that a water ghost leaped our from the continuously running tap and you sucked it up, walked towards the door and shot the water out of the poltergust, and the door was then put out. "Wow," Luigi mumbled, "how are there even elemental ghosts in the first place?"

You just shrugged, "better not think about it, but the thing we should think about is going through this door." You opened it to see a back yard, a dog house sat in front of you in the corner, and a plant sat underneath the balcony you and Luigi were on a while back. You beckoned Luigi to follow you into the yard, he obeyed and looked around as the moonlight shone onto the ground. You then walked towards a sign.

"Mr bones: quiet!" You read off the sign not noticing the danger behind you.

"Y/N watch out!" Luigi hissed through his teeth, however it was a bit too late as a ghostly dog woke up and started barking, your eyes widened as it kept barking and you dodged it as it tried to bite you.

You carefully but quickly kept out of the dog's way, however a newcomer arose from the ground, "keep that stupid dog quiet!" You looked over your shoulders to see a skeleton ghost, an angry expression on his face, he then threw a bone at you, however Luigi reacted quickly and pushed you out of the way and stunned the ghost, capturing it and one of its bone's flied out of the poltergust, catching the dog's attention.

The bulldog barked happily as it then ran towards the bone, which was now in the ground, and licked it. You took the opportunity to stun the dog and suck it up. As you did that the yard lit up and the entrance of the dog house was twinkling. "Well I guess you know what this means?"

Luigi then looked at you and gave you a nod, "oh yes, of course." He then aimed his Gameboy at the dog house, searching it. And he was teleported, "it's safe Y/N, well at least I think it is!" You laughed a bit and then searched the Dog house, teleporting you, unfortunately on top of Luigi.

"I-I'm very sorry Luigi! I-I didn't mean to..." you became a blushing mess as you the scrambled to your feet, Luigi was also blushing but he just got up and smiled softly.

"Hey Y/N, relax, I'm fine it's ok, besides you had a soft landing." You stared at him in shock.

"I'm going to kill you once this is all done!" You grumbled, Luigi just laughed as you looked around. All there was to this area was the unsettling graves sitting there. You then looked at the tree stump you and Luigi came out of, only to see there was no way out, "umm I think we're stuck here..."

"Surely not," he mumbled, he then started to shake the graves.

"W-what are you doing..?"

Luigi then looked back at you and rolled his eyes, "what does it look like, if anything will trigger something it will be these graves."

After he shook them all three skeleton ghosts appeared from three of the graves, ready to throw there bones, you then jumped into action and already stunned and captured one. As Luigi was catching the other, the last one then came up behind him, "Look out!" Luigi turned around only to be hit on the head by the bone thrown at him. Causing the Italian plumber to stumble to the ground and wince in pain. You then snarled in anger as the Skeleton laughed, but immediately stopped once it saw you looking very peeved off, you then sucked up the last Skeleton and rushed to Luigi's side, "are you ok?"

You crouched beside Luigi, "y-yeah I'm fine." However everything then became tense as lightning struck. The graveyard became darker and the grave that stud taller than the rest started to glow with a blue aura...

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