Chapter 2: Gear up

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"Are you two ready for the next mission?" I heard e Gadd call from the main room of the bunker, "that dark moon isn't going to fix itself!"

I heavily sighed as I got up from my seat, Luigi followed, "we know, we know, you've mentioned it many times..."

"I've searched the mansion with this handy dandy pars scope of mine and there are some strong reading in the north rooms." As E Gadd explained I noticed Luigi shaking with fear, E Gadd lightly chuckled, "you haven't change a bit, my boy!"

I laughed along, "beside we have the poltergusts with us, nothing can go wrong!" Luigi gave me a look of doubt as the large screen appeared and showed some sort of device.

"Now there's a mechanism that controls the access to that section," E Gadd said as he began typing away at his keyboard, "that mechanism is in the foyer, I'll give you two instructions once you get there!"

Me and Luigi were then teleported to the Main entrance, both of us landing onto the ground roughly. "Geeze he couldn't of given us a better landing?" I muttered, slowly getting up.

"Mama-Mia..." Luigi mumbled as he took my hand and I lifted him of the ground. "Alright, let's go to the foyer..."

After dodging the suits of armour once again, we made it to the foyer. However large red ghost stuck his hand into the mechanism E Gadd was talking about and threw three of the gears to the other three red ghosts in the room before leaving...

"Of course that was going to happen..." I heavily sighed as the lights came back on. And the usual ringtone of the ds started to play, and Luigi was quick to answer.

"Dangblasted ghosts, those brutes just stole the gears from the mechanism I told you guys about! I'll use the parascope to find them, check your map!"

As soon as E Gadd hung up, the map then showed the rooms the ghosts were in. "Alright, I'll take the top, whilst you take the bottom," I said, Luigi eyes widened.

"W-were going to s-spit up...?" Luigi stuttered, I patted him on the back.

"Hey don't worry, I'm sure we'll both be fine..." I shot him a warm smile before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Luigi then looked at the map again, "wait...the door upstairs is locked..."

"Guess I'll stick with you until we find that key," I said, going up to the conveniently open door, but the door slammed shut and a greenie with a key in its hands came out of the fountain and immediately fled to were we started.

I let out a groan in Annoyance, "I'll go get it...stay here Luigi." He gave a firm nod and stud by the door whilst I transformed into my ghostly cat form and ran through the suits of armour and fazed through the door and appeared back in the main entrance.

I returned to normal and saw the ghost swinging in the chandelier, carefully, I aimed the flashlight and stunned the ghost, catching it very easily and collected the key.

Once I was back in the foyer, I opened the door and both me and Luigi entered a hallway, "I guess I'll head into this room, as it's marked...and you'll go find that key."

I heard the uncertainty in his voice, and I couldn't blame him, he never liked the idea of us spitting up in situations as he never wanted me to be alone. "Yeah...but hey, don't worry, you can come up stairs if you finish down here."

He just nodded before entering the lab, whist I already found a layer of wallpaper that was hiding a hidden door. And that's were the key was, but there was a glow from a small hole in the wall.

Once I looked into it, there was blue ghosts in an artists studio messing around like usual, but there was something blocking the door. I left the secret pocket in the wall and started walking back to the foyer and was about to go up the stairs until I noticed something.

"We're the candles always blue...?" I muttered to no one in particular, but I shrugged it off and started walking up the stairs until the stairs became a sort of slope and sent me all the way back down. "Ow..." one of those blue ghosts appeared in my face, just to taunt me and vanished somewhere in the foyer.

After looking around, the ghost came out of his hiding place and threw a shoe at me, luckily I dodged and ran towards the vase he was hiding in, shook it and made him come out. After a quick flash the ghost was captured.

I heavily sighed and walked up the stairs, this time without falling all the way back down, "now time to get those gears..."

~*Luigi's POV*~

Once I got the gear From the large ghost in the lab I already had a bad feeling, was Y/n ok? No I shouldn't be so worried, she can take care of herself, she's fine, right?

I shook those thoughts away and left the lab and made my way towards the room E Gadd marked and I found myself blocked off from getting in, "guess I'll go and see how Y/N's is getting on..." I did a quick check of the ds and noticed that the gear counted hadn't move up from one.

So as quick as I could, I walked towards the foyer and noticed that there were a few objects onto the floor, what in the world happened? That's when I picked up the pace and ran up the stairs and entered the hallway on the second floor, I could hear ghosts being caught in the far room so I went into the room next to it, being the parlour. Once I opened the door I noticed an old fashioned music player in the centre of the room with two chairs around it.

Out of curiosity I just decided to play the music and, of course, two greenies showed there self after scaring me half to death. Luckily I flashed the greenies at the same time and caught both with no hassle. The red ghost appeared and after being dragged around the room I eventually caught him and got the gear, after looking at the ds I noticed that it was up to three gears, however I then heard a thud from below and someone cursing loudly...

"Was that Y/n!?"

~*Y/N's PoV*~

"****! Wasn't being almost being killed by a bed enough!?" I yelled angrily, the ghosts stared at me, clearly confused. And that's when I realised I'm in the studio...

The hiders then disappeared and went to hide? I growled in Annoyance and got off the floor, dusted myself off and dodged a banana that was thrown at me, checking the dresser and catching the hider inside, the second one tried to switch its hiding place but I flash it and caught the ghost with ease.

The large red ghost then appeared and with a bit of struggle I caught him, and a gear popped out, and suddenly from the other side of the door, the ringtone from the ds could be heard, "Luigi, you've gotten all of the gears, great job, now head back to the foyer...were's Y/n?"

"I'm in here!" I called out, laughing quietly to myself as I cleared the garbage in front of the door and saw Luigi sanding there with the ds, he hung up on e gadd and gave me a small, awkward wave. I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

We headed to the foyer to the mechanism and Luigi noticed the dints in the gears and tried to put them into the mechanism, and failed miserably. E gadd then called up again.

"What's with the long face Luigi?" E Gadd questioned.

"Uhh one problem, those ghosts have done something to the gears so they don't fit..." I muttered e gadd sighed and shook his head.

"I'll have to repair them so they'll work again, but at least you guys recovered them, alright I'm bringing you two back!"

With that we were transported back to the lab like usual. Once we were back in the bunker, we gave him the broken gears, now all we had to do was wait...

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