Gooigi Bonus Chapter I

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"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself, my eyes flickered open as I noticed I was getting a call from someone on phone, even though you never used it on your adventures. I really just wanted to ignore it, however I realised it was E Gadd, how did he get my number? I carefully released my body from Luigi's embrace and pulled myself off the sofa to pick up the phone and answer it. "Hello?"

"Ah, Y/N! I thought you wouldn't pick up!" E Gadd said loudly.

"Keep it down!" I hissed, "Luigi is still asleep with the polterpup, and I was asleep too until someone woke me up."

"Sorry Y/N, it's just that I wanted to know if you wanted to be my assistant, your work starts tomorrow night if you agree." E Gadd said.

I thought for a moment before letting a sigh escape my lips, "alright, I don't see why not, I'll see you then." I then hung up.

"Who was that y/n?" I jumped out of my skin and turned around to see Luigi awake, along with the polterpup. "I'm so sorry I woke you guys up!"

Luigi shook his head to say that it was no worries and the polterpup barked happily and jumped off the sofa wanting attention. "Oh yeah e gadd called, he asked if I wanted to be his assistant," I said as I picked up our ghostly dog and cuddled him.

"Why?" Luigi questioned as he shifted himself into a sitting position and I sat down beside him. "I don't know yet," I simply shrugged, "but it has to be something to do with ghosts."

The next night I was sat waiting for the tv to activate, Luigi and the polterpup had already gone to bed and I was rudely woken up yet again by e gadd to tell me he's getting the pixelator ready.

Finally the tv turned itself on and I took a deep breath and was teleported. I landed on my feet as I was zapped into the bunker, E Gadd was sat on his usual chair, "welcome Y/N!"

"Hey E Gadd," I greeted him warmly, yet tiredly, "so what's the first task?"

"Well I want to look into ghost energy, so could you bring me a hider from the ghost container?" He said pointing to the red and yellow canister that was used to keep the ghosts in on our adventure.

I gave a quick nod and walked towards the container then selected the hider button and one was released into the bunker, "come with me please," I softly spoke to the blue ghost, since it was peaceful and I was basically its leader it happily smiled and followed me back to were E Gadd was, what was set up by his desk was another container with a tube coming out that lead to a flask.

"I need the ghost in that container," E Gadd stated, I gave a small nod and open it to allow the ghost to go in, as it did, a sort of blue liquid went into the tube and dropped into the flask. Well this a strange start...

 Well this a strange start

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