Chapter 21: across the casm

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Where am I?

I looked around and saw a mansion in front of me, there was seemingly no escape as a large cage was surrounding the building and me. Taking a deep breath I walked inside and nothing but doors were here. I went into one on the left and saw a piano.

"What the-" as soon as I walked up to it teeth shot out and the elegant instrument began to charge at me, I quickly ran to the door and it was locked, but before I lost my limbs the floor beneath me collapsed and I found myself on a merry go round, pictures of boos surrounded me.

"You looking for your Luigi?"

"He's with the king!"

"Your all alone!"

"He doesn't love you!"

"Our king loves you more!"

I kept on hearing these voices as boos emerges from the painting and spun around me. They then combined into Boolossus and charged. I turned and quickly fled through a corridor with suit of armour swinging and spiders crawling out of crevices and biting.

It then changed as I dodged crows and vines. Then gears and clock hand until an ice slide shot me down below and into an unknown area.

Picking myself up, I came face to face with a large mirror, as I walked closer to it my reflection morfed into Luigi. "L-Luigi!"

Fear struck me as king boo came into the reflection, I turned around and he was there staring at me lovingly. "Finally, I have you all to myself!"

"! Stay away from me! Where's luigi?!"

He just laughed at me, "you stupid girl, he's right behind you, stuck in that mirror!" I stared behind me and noticed the reflection of luigi moving on its own, banging on the glass.

"Soon you'll learn to love me."


I woke up in a cold sweat, luigi was looking at me with worry. "Are you alright? You were mumbling in your sleep..."

"I'm fine, don't worry." I muttered quietly. He didn't buy it but he didn't want to push it, e gadd then clapped his hands and signaled us to come over.

I grabbed my poltergust and listened in, "researching those powerful ghosts have to wait, because I've finally located the dark moon piece!"

Luigi's eyes widened and a twinkle of hope could be seen, "where is it?" E Gadd typed something in his computer, the plumber pulled out the ds.

"The signal is coming from an unlikely place: the distant workshop!" Luigi put away the ds, and smiled widely. "Finally we will get a dark moon piece quickly for once!"

I didn't really listen as I was too busy thinking about that Nightmare, clearly king boo is manipulating my mind and gave me that Nightmare...

When we were teleported into the chalet the cold winds hit both of us... "what happened in here?" Luigi said through chattering teeth.

"I-I have no idea, but that window up there seems to be the problem, you close it whilst I melt the ice." Luigi nodded and took the fireplace elevator up and closed the window.

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