Chapter 13: a timely entrance

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My eyes slowly opened, I felt a little refreshed after the battle almost drained all my energy. "Ah I'm glad your awake Y/n!" E Gadd turned towards me and smiled. "You certainly showed that possessor who's boss!"

"I guess I did," I chuckled whilst rubbing the back of my neck. "Do you still have that potion?" My stepfather gave a quick nod before gracefully throwing the bottle to me. I caught it and drank a bit, feeling more of my energy coming back.

Luigi then woke up and gave me a small smile. I returned it and once he join my side I gave him a little peck on the cheek, making him blush a little.

"Alright are you both ready? The next dark moon piece is in that new mansion, the old clockworks!" E Gadd announced, "before it was abandoned, this place produced the finest timepieces ever made!"

"So now ghosts roam the ancient ruins?" I questioned, to which the scientists nodded. "It's not a surprise that the parascope detected a dark moon piece inside there!"

He then let a monitor bring itself down, showing the clock tower at the very top. "And after tuning the parascope a little more, I've been able to pinpoint its precise location, the top of the clock tower!"

"Now, this fancy looking gate is the clock tower gate! You'll need to open it in order to climb the clock tower, I've highlighted it on your map."

"Well at least this won't take too long!" Luigi jumped a little in excitement, I couldn't help but giggle at him.

"Right let's send you two there!"

Once the pixelator zapped us there, we didn't land very gracefully and landed on our backsides, making an explosion of sand fly into the sky. Making us both sneeze in the process.

"Bless you," we both said in unison. I got up and looked to at the clock tower, I gulped at the sight and Luigi's eyes widened in amazement. "It looks ominous but cool..."

"I didn't expect you to say that," I said a little surprised. He just shrugged it off and walked towards the entrance of the clockworks. I followed him and we were face to face with a large clock. "How do we get in?"

Luigi looked around and noticed the many broken clocks around the yard. "These clocks all have the same time on them..." I also looked and saw that they all displayed 3:30.

So I used the poltergust to turn the valve and the clock hands moved. Once I had it display 3:30 the clock moved itself up and out of the way, revealing a door, "that's actually very cool!"

We entered the building and into the warehouse. Seeing a greenie messing around with some stool covered in thread(?). Once he saw us he quickly fled. I looked around the room seeing many cogs sitting around and large 3's sat in the back of the room. And of course many cobwebs littered the area. We then went to the east and into the workshop.

Seeing floating masks holding shields and hammers, banging on a robotic bomb. "I have an idea..." I whispered mischievously. Luigi gave you a questionable look and watched you slowly get closer to the bomb. Charging the strobulb, I set the bomb off and Luigi jumped into action, catching the greenies easily.

Luigi smiled at you, "that was a great idea, Y/n." I bashfully smiled as we both headed to the clock tower gate. "There it is!" I ran towards the large gate, dodging the bombs buried in the sand. However, the hands and valve was missing. "What...?"

Luigi came up behind me and stared at the gate, he could feel the disappointment I felt. "It wasn't going to be easy was it..."

E Gadd then called, "the clock hands and valve are missing?! Of course those ghosts are clever to hide them!" The old coot huffed in Annoyance.

"What are we supposed to do now...?" Luigi mumbled. We then heard typing, "I'll scan the area with the parascope, told tight, I'll let you know when I find something!"

He hung up and to our luck a greenie appeared and dove into the sand, forming a tornado. We quickly dodged out of the way and captured it once it came out of the floor dizzy, two more greenies showed up and we swiftly took care of them.

We got a key off one and opened the lock door on the opposite side we came in. When we entered the cargo room, we got a call from e gadd. "Well I reckon we've found our clock thieves, there's a strong signal underground, so I reckon it's them."

"How do we get down under then?" I asked. "According to my reader here there's a special compass that should help you get down there. I've marked where it is on the map, the drafting office, go find it!"

"Alright but how do we get up there?" I mumbled. Luigi sucked a cloth off the window and a robotic bomb sat there, he activated it and sand came rushing into the room, allowing us to pull the stairs down. I then noticed a pipe  and looked through it, seeing yellow toad trying to grab something. Two boo's appeared from behind and watched as he fell down and they laughed before going down with him.

"Oh no..." I mumbled. "What was that?" I jumped and looked up to see Luigi up at the top of the stairs, "n-nothing...let's get to that drafting office."

We headed above the clock tower gate and turned the bridge back to its visible state, whilst also stare in amazement at the cogs working away. Soon we were in the drafting office and caught a greenie spinning on a chair. I looked on the desk to see paper with little sketches of some sort of little demon? I was a little confused on why it was there but I carried on looking for the compass (if anyone doesn't get that reference I'll be crying).

We also caught some sneakers that were giving us problems, and used the ds the fan to move the wall. And found that special compass.

E Gadd brought us back and we gave him the compass. "I'll do further research on this compass...if only getting the dark moon piece would've of been easy..."

I sighed in Annoyance, "yeah if only, but those ghosts are starting to be a real pain in the neck..."

Luigi chuckled, "I'm sure it won't take that long to get the items we need." I just crossed my arms and looked down at the ground.

"I highly doubt it..."

(This chapter is rather short since the mission is nothing really interesting, also that clockworks image was drawn by me, mainly cause I couldn't find any art of the third mansion, same with the fourth and fifth).

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