Chapter 26: ambush manoeuvre

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I stood there in excitement, I of course wanted to hear what e gadd had to say about his idea. "So did you happen to see that tiny camera in the train exhibit? I can possibly link the pixelator to it and send you in!"

"Won't that be...dangerous?" Luigi questioned in fear. "Of course it is! I haven't tried pixelating anything with a small camera before!"

My eyes widened, "so we are going to be your guinea pigs in this?"

"Well you could say that, but the parascope is picking up a huge paranormal signal, it's got to be king boo!" E gadd exclaimed, pointing at the screen. "He isn't moving, so this makes it the perfect time for us to strike!"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get him!" I said with determination laced in my voice. Luigi simply nodded. E gadd then sighed and used the pixelator to send us into the miniature train model, and hopefully in one piece.

I opened my eyes to see we made it, the mix of purples and grey in the scenery of the small model. The train carriages sat in place, and balloons were strapped to the tracks. I slowly stood up and stared at everything in awe. "Luigi?"

I looked down And saw he was also on the floor, I bent down and shook him lightly. "Huh? Did we make it?" He mumbled as his eyes slowly opened. "Yes we did, I never doubted my fathers inventions!"

"It feels like something is missing though..." Luigi hummed as he also took in the cardboard cut outs of castles, trees and some lone chess pieces. That's when something caught my eye, it was smoke emitting from nothing?

Using the dark light device, I revealed a train with a large drill as its nose. Once I sucked up all the spirit balls the train started to move and popped all the balloons.

Just then a boo appeared and stared at us, laughing evilly, "mwahahaha! Looking for someone?"

Nine other boos then showed themselves and then we watched in horror as the boos all combined into one, making the first boo giant.

"I may not be the king but I sure am big! Big enough to CRUSH YOU!" The big boo cackled and glared at both of us.

We quickly dodged out of the way as the boo tried to crush us, after failing three times it became fatigued. "I have an idea!" I then pulled in the large boo's tongue and launched him at the large drill on the train. Making him burst into ten.

Luigi and I quickly got to work with launching as many boos as we could into the cages, we were only to get four before they all disappeared and started to attack. Which we luckily dodged.

The remaining six boos came together and dug itself into the floor, and charged at us. Luigi tried to guide him into the drill but the boo ended up hitting the cages of the train and became dazed.

I pulled on the tongue once again and aimed him into the drill, making him split. We then caught only two as the rest disappeared.

"Luigi watch out!" He didn't dodge in time as a boo charged into him and knocked him on his feet, I used the dark light device and stunned two boos but only had time to throw one in a cage.

Big boo reassembled again and was about to squash Luigi, however I pulled him out of the way. "Can you still fight?" He slowly nodded and got back on his feet, "yeah, I'll be okay."

We then dodged the other two slams and did the usual. We only had three boos left, Luigi had caught one whilst I caught another after it almost hit me with a charge attack.

Only one remained, luckily I heard the boo behind me and swiftly turned around and caught it in the dark light, I then pulled on its tongue and was able to aim and shoot it in the last cage.

E gadd then called after our surprise fight, "well that was definitely not king boo, we tried to Ambush him, but only got ambushed ourselves!"

"Well at least we will make it back in one piece right?" I chuckled. "But what about Mario?"

E gadd shook his head, "I'm sorry Luigi, but king boo would still have mario's painting...we will have to find him some other time. I'll bring you guys back now."

Back at the bunker e gadd was clearly a bit frustrated, "king boo must of lured us there by staging that security image! Boos alway spell trouble when they gang up..."

"Also, what about those boo's in the cages back at the train exhibit?" Luigi questioned.

"Don't worry, youngsters! I made a tweak to the pixilator and sent them all down to the vault, they won't be bothering us!"

"So what do we do now? What about the last dark moon piece? And Mario?" I threw questions out at the old coot.

E gadd chuckled, "this won't end until we defeat king boo, once he's gone Mario is saved along with the dark moon. I wonder how he escaped his painting in the first place?"

Luigi and I just shrugged and we're about to walk away until e gadd mumbled something surprising.

"Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have sold it in that garage sale..."

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