Chapter 23: front door key

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"The last dark moon piece seems to be here in the treacherous mansion, however, like I said, the paranormal signals are high!" E Gadd exclaimed, "no one would dare go into that place, yep absolutely terrible idea."

Luigi's eyes widened, I swallowed the lump in my throat, "so umm, are we going to die?" E Gadd chuckled. "You two will be fine! Your the best, and only, ghost hunters I know! Plus you don't have a choice, youngsters."

"Cause we're the only ones who can get the dark moon piece..." Luigi sighed heavily. I rolled my eyes. "But look on the bright side, you umm...ahh umm you have a very bushy moustache!" I couldn't help but laugh as Luigi was speechless.

E Gadd cleared his throat then pulled out a green key with a large red gem in the middle, "here, it's the front door key to the treacherous mansion." He gave it to Luigi and then glared at us, "don't go loosing it now."

"Wait, how did you even get this?" I questioned. "I have my off you go you two!" Without another word he used the pixelator and sent us away.

When we arrived a cold chill went up my spine, I looked at the large unsettling mansion, this was possibly going to be the worse one...

Luigi had landed on his back side as usual, so I helped him up. "Thank you, Love." He then looked at the mansion and his eyes widened. "Wow..." we pushed the gates open and Luigi let out a Yelp as his hat came off, he quickly grabbed it but almost fell to his death. Luckily I pulled him back into my arms. "T-Thank you, again."

"It's nothing, wow that's terrifying..." I say as I looked down into the green mist. The ground, or shallow water, would definitely separate the soul from body... "right we need to get across."

"Do we have to cross on...that?" Luigi said nervously, I stared at the narrow path, that would definitely not hold both of us. "Only one can cross." Luigi then stepped up, fear was visible as he nervously walked on the narrow path.

I transformed into the ghost cat and flew to the front door, once Luigi escaped death a second time, as the narrow path broke at the end, he pulled out the key and was about to put it in but something crashed into him. "Oh no..."

Polterpup...that stupid polterpup. It stared Luigi in the face then took off with the key. He tried to grab it but failed. "Bad doggie!" Luigi said to himself as he slammed his fist on the ground. I turned back to normal and huffed in Annoyance. "Great...we have to chase the mutt down, again!" The gargoyle statues near the door then moved, "come on, we really need to get that key back, posthaste."

Luigi then chuckled, "your starting to sound just like him." I only now realised what I said and giggled, "yeah I really am."

We followed the polterpup and went down to the bottom of a well, which brought back memories of that mansion we went to 2 years ago. After entering the guard tunnel the polterpup escaped and two strong greenies appeared. They were felt with fairly quickly, even if they picked up swords...

Suddenly a slammer showed up and clapped, sending Luigi to the ground and on a pile of armour. I quickly ran over to him on the other end of the room, he was bleeding from the head a little, "Oh your going to regret that!" I growled at the slammer before charging towards him, he tried clapping me away too however I became a cat and leaped out of the way before turning back and flashing him.

He put up a fight and dragged me around but I finally caught him and left Luigi back up on his feet. "You alright, Luigi?"

"Y-yeah I think so, that was amazing to watch by the way..." he mumbled, I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment and cleaned the blood of Luigi's forehead with some sanitary wipes he was carrying around with him. Seriously is there an end to those pockets?

We made our way into the ceremonial chambers where the polterpup ran off to, however the pooch wasn't here. "What do we do now?" Luigi said, "there's nowhere to go."

I stared up at the unlit stands that gargoyles were holding. So I summoned my purple fire as much as I could and lit each one. Suddenly a throne was lifted up and revealed a suit of armour sitting in it with a hatchet.

Just then one of the suits of armour on the side stood out of its place and got ready to swing it's weapon at us, we dodged and it became stuck in the floor. "Luigi pull the carpet!"

"Wait what? Why?"

"Just do it!" I yelled back, "trust me." He quickly sucked the end of the carpet up with the poltergust and pulled it, making the sentient armour loose footing and fall, destroying it and causing a greenie to come out. After capturing it the knight on the throne stud up and swung at us, however I pulled the carpet from underneath and took out the greenie inside.

The lights came on and we were now stuck. "So what now?" Luigi turned towards me. I glared at him, "I don't have an answer to everything you know. But we could try and sit on that throne?"

Luigi nodded and we both sat in it together, it descended rather quickly and we were now in the haunted catacombs. "Well this doesn't look too friendly..." Luigi said he tried to walk to the left, however he was teleported back from the right side. "What the-?"

"I guess we need to go the right way, the polterpup must of gone through here." I said, using the dark light it revealed tracks and we followed them. We got to a door that belonged to some sort of testing lab...two greenies had a large armless knight on the table and they brought it to like with electricity!

When they finished the two ghosts looked at us and approached, however I just stood there.

~•Luigi's PoV•~

I looked at her just standing there, it looked like she wasn't even in control of herself, and her eyes were purple...

But We had to defeat these ghosts, so I did it on my own. Once the greenies where gone however a sneaker pushed y/n and she snapped out of her trance. Her eyes had returned to normal. I took out the sneaker and I helped y/n up.

"What the hell happened back there?" I questioned.

Y/n shook her head a little, "I-I don't know, I saw two toads being shoved inside paintings...and they were crying out for help." I hugged y/n to comfort her as she was clearly upset by what she saw. "Maybe it's a sign?"

"I hope not," I mumbled, "otherwise it means that more toads had been hired by e gadd and met an unknown fate." We rendered the catacombs and followed some prints into the dungeon cells.

After doing a quick puzzle with bombs we entered the middle cell and the polterpup shot out of a barrel. I quickly flashed him to prevent the mutt from escaping and y/n tagged in and we caught the stupid dog.

"We got him! That was quickly that the last two times that's for sure..." I sighed in relief, Y/n then picked up the key and placed it in her pockets(if you have any).

E gadd then then gave a quick call, "someone needs to put a lead on that blasted pooch! You two are pretty far from the entrance now, it'll be easier if I just brought you back and teleported you there. Hold on!"

When we arrived back and sent our ghosts down to the vault, the polterpup had finally gone down. "Haha! He didn't escape this time!" E Gadd cheered, "I tightened the containment's on each of your vacuum's so this time he wouldn't escape."

"Well we didn't capture as many ghost as I thought we would," Y/n stated. "Well that is just the basement, who knows what the rest has install for you."

E gadd then got a picture of the treacherous mansion up and hummed in thought. "The mansion looks a lot creepier then the last time I saw it, I wonder who's been redecorating?"

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