Chapter 4: visual tricks

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E Gadd was talking to Luigi, but I couldn't make anything out of what he was trying to say. Something about tests...?

"Anyway, there's something I like to show you," the scientist said as he held up a glass container with a strange ball inside that was floating, "these are called spirit balls, they crest illusions and someone is making a mess with them in the gloomy manor..."

Slowly, I sat up right on the sofa, and was met with a ponding headache. "You mean something is in there making those things? Is that why those suits of armour were gone?"

E Gadd nodded and started to type stuff on his computer, "precisely! Now there is a special device in my lab called the dark light, I made two of them. But because of the chaos that occurred I haven't been able to retrieve them."

"So you would like me to go grab them? And find out whoever is doing this...?" Luigi said with hesitation. E Gadd gave a firm nod.

I got up from the sofa, my legs felt weak but I wasn't letting that stop me. "Please let me go, I don't want Luigi going on his own..."

"You can't risk hurting yourself even more," Luigi resorted, "plus E Gadd has to run some tests to create something able to help you."

E Gadd cleared his throat and shuffled of the high seat he was in, and walked over to the sofa were my poltergust laid close. He grabbed it and then gave it to me, "stay safe, if anything happens come back, Immediately."

I slowly nodded and firmly grasped the poltergust and put it on my back. "I will, promise."

Luigi didn't look pleased about me going but didn't talk back, E Gadd then prepared the pixelator, "are you ready?" We both nodded as we were then zapped to the gloomy manor.


Once we arrived, I made my way to the lab, Luigi followed close behind. "Hey y/n? I have to ask you a question?"

When I opened the doors I looked at him with a raised brow. "Go on..."

"Are the ghosts eyes white because you are technically their...leader?" Luigi questioned.

My face filled with confusion, "you mean there eyes are white because when I'm a ghost cat my eyes are white?" Luigi nodded and I let out a small sigh, "I'm pretty sure that ghosts with white, or any colour, eyes have good in them, yellow eyes I believe there restless spirits with anger."

Luigi gave a nod in understanding, "did your mother have yellow eyes?"

"Yes...yes she did, but that all I can remember about her." I muttered. "Maybe that's for the better."

We got to the lab door and it turned invisible and what followed was the all to well cackle. "We know that laugh all too well..." Luigi whispered in disbelief.

The ds started to ring and Luigi quickly answered, "did I just see the door...disappear?"

"Yes...yes you did," I simply put, I heard E Gadd growl in Annoyance.

"Whoever is releasing those spirit balls is having a good time, there has to be another way in that room. Be careful you two!"

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