Chapter 3: quiet please

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"Alright you two, I've fixed those gears!" E Gadd stated, that actually didn't take that long, maybe around 10 minutes... he gave Luigi a huge crank, "use this to operate the access mechanism."

Somehow Luigi put the crank in his overall pocket (ok but how!? I've always questioned how Luigi fits things in his pockets, are they just endless?). That's when a noise could be heard through the parascope.

"What's that...?" Luigi muttered, E Gadd quickly swivels his chair around and took a look.

"It's odd," the old man muttered, "I believe their is a piano in the Library, a ghost is probably playing around on it."

~Luigi's PoV~
E Gadd then marked the location on our map, right to the library. "The signal is quite strong..." I heard Y/n whisper. Both mine and E Gadd's attention drew towards Y/n.

"Are you ok Y/n?" I asked, there was no response, "hello? Y/n~" her head shot up and she blinked a few times.

"Sorry, I guess I'm feeling a bit under..." she said, E Gadd furrowed his brows. I gave her my usual worried look, what was she talking about?

"Is there something wrong Y/n? You can always sit out a mission..." E Gadd stated, he sounded like a father at this point, but Y/n shook her head. This made me worry. "I'll be fine, if needed you can always bring me back early."

~Y/N's PoV~

E Gadd gave a small nod and zapped us with the pixelator. We landed in the main entrance and we were about to runthrough the usual hallway, but the suits of armour weren't there, we cautiously walked through the hallway, and nothing attacked us, odd. Once in the foyer, Luigi pulled out the crank, stuck it into the mechanism and turned the handle, causing the large fish tank to descend and give us accessory the north rooms.

"I've always did you fit that crank in your overalls?" I questioned, he gave me a confused look, which soon turned into a smirk. "Which crank are we talking about~?"

My face immediately flushed and I cover my face with my hands, "you know which one Luigi!" He then pinned me to the wall.

He started to roughly kiss me, however I had to push him away and let out a laugh, "keep in your pants green bean, at least wait until this whole dark moon business is over~"

Luigi's face went red, and let me go, however I think I got him a bit excited. Oops...we slowly went up the stairs and stud on top of the fish tank, facing the door that was now revealed. "Are you going to be ok?"

I rolled my eyes, "of course I'll be fine, remember what I said to E Gadd?" My boyfriend gave a small nod and we entered the lobby, catching two greenies playing Rock Paper Scissors...we caught them with ease. Suddenly the elevator dings as a slammer appears with a bunch of spiders, all hissing at us.

Luigi caught the large brut and I sucked all the spiders up, out of nowhere my head started to hurt. "Y/n? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I just got a headache all of a sudden," I muttered, I turned my attention to the door furthest away from the elevator, hearing the music more clearly, "let's catch whatever ghost is behind this."

As Luigi opened the door we found ourselves above the ground, the Library piano was below us and keys all pressed down on their own, there was also a tornado of book flying close to the piano and one red book in the bunch flew strait towards us, hitting Luigi strait in the face.

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