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Nauriúl was what her father called, "high maintenance"... whatever that meant, and when told as such, she would merely shrug and respond "and I have no idea where I get it from" sarcastically before rolling her eyes and sauntering out of the room.

Her parents were king and queen of Authien, a kingdom of elves in the North. She had four (irritatingly overprotective) older brothers: Eladior (the eldest), Harian, Turgon and Fornion (the youngest, aside from her). She and Eladior took the most likeness to their father, while the others took after their mother.

The kingdom was cold. Most of the year, the skies would laugh snowflakes out from their emissaries, the clouds, sometimes gently, sometimes with anger, yet to Nauriúl, there was no sight more beautiful.

Snow was harsh - true; cunning - absolutely; callous - potentially. Yet, she still loved it. She loved the way it would tickle her cheeks and nose. She loved the way the snowflakes would dance to an unheard tune as they fluttered to the ground. She loved the way they would catch the light and shine, almost as though alight with fire, like sparks or embers. Snow was delicate and soft, giving the outward appearance of beauty, but it had the potential to be lethal, and just as easily as it could warm the hearts of those observing it, snow could also freeze.

The kingdom in the late spring and early summer would bloom with flowers, the light would catch the stained glass windows, reflecting rainbows in the white hallways of the palace. It sat on a large expanse of grass in the centre of a cluster of mountains. The stone of the walls were a light grey, almost white in colour, and the gates were made of silver. The streets were cobbled and homely, the markets teeming with life. The palace itself rested in the very centre of the large kingdom, its turrets and towers seemingly spiralling unto the heavens.

It was home.

At least, it was, until her mother was captured by orcs.


Hello everyone! So short chapter, I know, but they will get longer. I completely made up the kingdom by the way - and her brothers names- while i was writing this. I don't know if there's a kingdom called (god I can't even remember what I put.... begins with an A I think?) Authien! I don't know if there's a kingdom called Authien in middle Earth, or any other stories, but hey ho. I dont know how often I can update but I will try my best. Anyways! Onwards..!

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