Part 1. "Meeting her."

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I've been heartbroken and depressed for months.
Seeing the one I thought was the love of my life cheat on me with my best friend.
Seems like every other teenage story.
I thought ours was different.
I thought she was different.
Guess not.

"Ben, get ready for school!" Mom called out to me from downstairs.
Mom calls me to get ready since I can't get myself up anymore. It's been hard because I've been thinking of when Brea cheated on me. I never could get it out of my head. I've been going crazy.
I get out of bed and head downstairs. I see Mom making breakfast. "Good-morning. Did you have a good rest?" Mom asked whisking pancake batter. "Yeah, it was okay I guess."
My little sister's eyes deathly came across to me while she ate her bowl of Elsa Cereal.
"What Mia?"
"You look like a homeless man. And so does your room."
Mom looked at Mia but not so happily.
"Mia, your older brother is going through a breakup. It's normal. So just leave him alone okay?"
"Whatever homeless man." she said sticking her tongue out.

I went back up to my room after eating breakfast. I got dressed for school, and went in the car with Mia and Mom.
Mia's in 5th grade. She's really smart. I'm glad she has those grades up.
I put my earphones in and just listen to music while we drove to my school.
We arrived at my school and I left immediately.
Mom always says to tell your parents you love them after you leave the car when you go to school.
Yeah, ain't happening.

As soon as I get out, Mom yells "I love you" which always drags everyone's attention and laughs at me. And Ronny is always their waiting for me in front of the school so we could walk together so I wouldn't really be embarrassed.
Ronny's my best friend.
No, not the one Brea cheated on me with. We're not friends anymore.
"Dude, if your Mom keeps saying that for the rest of the year, that would be so embarrassing." Ronny said walking with me into school.
"Yeah, I know."
Ronny noticed I was still moody. Figures. He knew everything.
"Dude, don't tell me your still moping over Brea. She was trash anyway." Ronny rolled his eyes.
"I'm not man. Just tired."
Ronny knew that I was still broken anyway.
Ronny became my best friend 7 months ago when I broke up with Brea because she cheated on me.
The bell rung.
"I gotta head to class, see you at lunch?" Ronny said walking away.
I left off to my class and sat in the back.
The class started with Ms. Weathers talking about some student coming... I wasn't listening because I secretly had earphones in.
When I looked up off the ground, I noticed the most beautiful girl walked in the classroom.
My eyes couldn't stop staring.
I took out my earphones and stared at her until Ms. Weathers started talking.
"Class, this is our new student. Nessa. I need a student volunteer to show her around the school campus. Anyone willing to help Nessa out?" Ms Weathers said. Without hesistation, I raised my hand.
"I will."
Everyone looked back at me confused. They knew what happened with Brea and me so they somehow knew it would be weird.
"Thank you Ben, so kind of you."
Nessa smiled at me. Her smile seemed so innocent.
She was seriously beautiful. I don't know how else to describe her, she was...perfect.

AHHHH OMG HI! so like, this is my first story on here so like if there's anything that's not making any sense, or misspelled words, it's because i was typing hella fast i was excited. :) i'm also excited to see where my head goes on with this story i don't even know, but we'll see kk byeeeee hope you enjoyed the first part muah! <3 

heartjtc(heart jeonghan, taehyun, corpse) updated a new part. :)

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