Day 1

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Bella sat across from the General staring him in the eye. She wasn't going to let him scare her she was used to fear. He was silent for awhile, which just made Bella feel even more anxious as his dark green eyes looked through her.

"Well Hailey" he finally spoke. "We have agreed to let you stay, on the condition that you work for us and do your part to keep our world safe, if we discover you are one of them, you will be shot dead, understood?" the General asked.

"Understood" Bella replied.

"Now get out" the General grumbled. Bella closed the door behind her and lean't against it taking a deep breath.

"Hello Hailey" Susan said cheerfully. Bella gasped. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you...."

"No no, all fine sorry just didn't see you standing there" Bella said forcing a smile.

"So I hear you will be staying with us let me show you to your job" Susan said walking ahead. Bella stared around at the cave, she was scared. Any moment one of them could kill her. She didn't feel safe here, but this was her safest place. "So." said Susan pointing to a room. "One of our maids was found as one of them so we had to let her go, terrible woman, lied to us from the start" Susan said with hatred in her voice making Bella cringe. "So you will take her spot Bella and work in the laundry changing sheets and so on". Susan giggled, smiling cheerfully. "I'll introduce you to some of my friends, come this way" Bella followed behind Susan watching as everyone turned around to stare at her like she was a rodent. "This Hailey, is Linda" Susan said pointing to the woman next to her with light blonde hair and deep blue eyes. "Hello Hailey, welcome to the laundry". Linda said warmly.

"Thank you" Bella replied shyly.

"Well, dinner will be soon so if you want I can show you to the dining room" Susan offered.

"Thank you, but I know where I'm going" Bella smiled back.

"No worries see you there" Susan said. Bella walked toward the dining hall, she felt her breathing quicken, she was so scared. She saw the bathroom to the right and quickly went in. Thankfully everyone was going to dinner so she was alone. Bella felt her head spin and her stomach gave a jolt and she lean't over to the toilette and puked. Bella started shaking violently she was so scared.

"I can do this" she told herself. "I can do this". Bella calmed down her breathing and cleaned herself up. She looked herself in the mirror, took a deep breath and opened the door. Bella followed in behind a short bald man who was heading to the dining hall. There was 10 long tables lined up in the hall lined with food and drinks. Bella sat down in a spare seat.

"Hey Hailey how are you?" Bella jumped and turned around to see John looking at her with caring eyes.

"Oh ah John, hi I am feeling much better thank you" Bella said brushing her hair out of her face.

"Good I'm glad to hear" John said shovelling a pile of potato onto his plate.

"You want some?" he offered.

"Oh, I'm not hungry thank you" Bella replied.

"Eat something at least, please" John said.

"Okay" Bella replied putting some veggies on her plate watching John eat with a smug smile. Bella smiled to herself too.

Dinner was a great meal, Bella listened to all the conversations around her. She wasn't used to having people around her, but it was a nice feeling. When everyone was finished we were all escorted out the door and that's when I started feeling frightened again. I came back to the reality that these people weren't my friends. These people wanted to kill me. I made my way back to my bunk trying to avoid any eye contact.

"What are you drop out, rebel, lost why are you here?" Bella turned to see a girl with dark black hair and tattoos  shouting at her.

"Excuse me?" Bella asked.

"Why are you here princess?" The girl stood up towering over Bella. She watched as everyone's eyes fell upon her.

"Oh I'm I'm" Bella struggled.

"Oh isn't that cute she has a stutter!" The girl said laughing at Bella as she pushed Bella to the floor. Bella felt a blast of pain in her leg as she hit the solid ground.

"Whatever you are stay out of our way, and if you cause any trouble your only issue won't be the general" The girl said cracking her knuckles. Bella nodded as the girl backed away and she slowly stood up and sat back down on her bunk. She felt awkward as she saw everyone step away not knowing where to look, but clearly staring at her. Bella lay down in her bed and pulled the covers up as the lights were switched off except for the bed lamps.

'I can do this, I can do this" Bella repeated to herself as she felt her eyelids close.

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