Day 2

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Bella woke up to a pillow again being thrown at her head. She turned around ready for a punch in the face and saw Kara laughing at her poking her tongue out.

"Come on get out of bed mate, work time" Kara laughed hitting Bella again with the pillow.

"Go away" Bella hit her back. Both the girls cracked up.

"Shut up Barbie Dolls!" The dark hair girl yelled.

"Woah calm down cranky pants" Kara laughed hitting her with the pillow. The dark hair girl got up and advanced on Kara, towering over her.

"What did you say grass hair?" The girl yelled.

"Ha ha calm down bro I was just joking around" Kara laughed looking around at the people gathering.

"Okay guys settle it down, it was just a stupid joke" Bella explained getting up.

"Butt out princess!" The dark hair girl yelled pushing Bella into the bunk.

"Hey back off mate!" Kara yelled trying to grab the girls shoulder to pull her back.

"No I think princess needs to be taught when to butt out!" the girl said advancing on Bella.

Everyone started cheering"fight" "fight" "fight" as Bella backed away from the girl.

Before Bella could even scream out for help she felt a punch to her face and heard her nose crack. She felt the blood trickle down it and she pinched her nose to try and stop the bleeding. The girl through another punch this time at her side. Bella hunched over gasping for air. While she was hunched over the girl through a punch at her injured shoulder. Bella felt like something in her shoulder had exploded. She gasped trying to breathe in excruciating pain. The girl advanced on Bella, but Bella didn't have the strength to defend herself. She could hear people around her yelling for help or cheering the girl on. Her vision started to blur as there was another punch to the side of her head and the last thing she saw was a blob of turquoise trying to hold back the girl. Than Bella hit the floor cold hard.

Bella blinked open her eyes. She was in the nurse's room again. Bella lifted her head of the pillow and saw Kara sitting at the end of her bed. Kara gave a small smile, but it didn't look like real happy Kara

"How you feeling?"

Kara asked.

"Sore" Bella croacked.

"What happened to me?" Bella asked.

"It was awful" Kara started.

"Georgia just kept punching you, even after you were unconsious"

So Georgia was her name Bella thought to herself.

"It was disgusting to watch" Kara said her face dropping.

"Than some guys from fighting came in and it took three of them to wrestle her off you, than John came in, you know the generals son? The cute one?"Bella nodded.

"Yeah well he picked you up and carried you here" Kara smiled.

"It was so cute!". Bella's cheek turned pink and she looked away. Bella looked at Kara's sad face, she had a gash on her lip that had been stitched up and a couple of bruises.

"What happened to your lip?" Bella asked.

"Oh ah I tried to pull her off you and she elbowed me ha ha, hurt just a tad. But on the bright side I look really tough now" Kara winked flexing her muscles. Bella laughed at Kara.

"Hey I gotta go make dinner so I'll come see you after okay? And bring you something to eat" Kara offered.

"Awesome thanks" Bella said.

"No worries mate" Kara replied. Kara got up and started walking toward the door.

"Hey Kara?" Bella asked.

"Yeah Hailey?" Kara replied.

"Thanks for everything" Bella smiled.

"Hey, what are friends for?" Kara grinned cheekily. As Bella watched Kara's bright blue hair leave the room, the nurse came over to her with a glass of brown liquid. Bella examined it, she felt uncomfortable drinking something she didn't know about.

"This will just ease the pain dear" The nurse said handing Bella the glass. Bella shivered as she felt the liquid slosh down her throat. Instantly she felt the burning pain in her side disappear. Bella felt her eyes droop shut and lay her head down. 

Bella woke up to the warm smell of soup. She looked up to see Kara smiling at her.

"Hey eat up, you will need your strength" Kara said pushing the dish to Bella.

"Thanks" Bella said sipping a spoonful of soup. She felt the warm sensation as it trickled down her throat.

"You will never guess who came to visit you today" Kara said winking at Bella.

"Who?" Bella asked.

"John!" Kara said jumping up and down. Bella felt her cheeks go red, she turned away.

"What happened to Georgia?" Bella asked.

"She got a punishment from the general, she just has to scrap gum off the tables for the next couple of days" Kara replied rolling her eyes. Bella nodded. She and Kara finished their dinner together. Kara had to go to leave for bed. Bella waved goodbye and with one last slosh of brown liquid she fell asleep.

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