Lesson 8: Take My Hand

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...April 2018, Alaminos City, Philippines...


Shota: Ugghhh!! My head hurts...

Jimin: Mine too... What happened last night??

Sujan: AAHH!!!! ...... AAAHHHH!!!

Shota, Jimin: AAHHHH!!!

Sujan: What are you doing here!!! Get out!!!

Shota: What are YOU doing here???

Jimin: Yeah, this is our room. We had party last night, remember..

Sujan: Oh... Oh my gosh.. I did not go back to our room...

Ryan: Wake up everyone.. Breakfast is ready. We need to go to the beach for our island hopping at 6 am.

Han: By the way, where's Mini? She did not come back last night... and Kim..

Sujan: I'll go to our room and check..

Karen: Don't tell me that they stayed in our room??

Dana: hihihihihi... "Mini might had a blast last night! That drug was super effective. Oh, She owes me big time."


Sujan: Ehhh.... What are you doing out here.. Mini?? Did you sleep outside???

Mini: Huh??? HAAAA!!?? WHAT!!??? I SLEPT!!?? 

Sujan: Yeah, Were you uncomfortable to sleep inside?? 

Mini: NO!! What???... AH! OPPA!!!

Sujan: We need to prepare and we are going to have our tour in an hour. So I need to take a shower now..

Mini: Wait!! Don't go inside!! 

"Oh, yeah, I forgot my key inside. How are we going to open the door then?.." 

Teacher Vincent is still sleeping. Let's not wake him up..

Karen: Sujan, you forgot the key.. I have an extra one thought you might have forgotten.

Dana: Oh, Mini?? Why are you here?? What happened?

Mini: Dana.... Something horrible happened last night! Kim!! It's Kim's doing!! She locked me out to stay outside last night!! 

Dana: Don't tell me... There's only Teacher and Kim inside!!??? THE WHOLE NIGHT!!?? 

Mini: Huhuhuhuhuhu yeah.. the worst part...

Dana: What!!?? So what happened??

Mini: I already took off his clothes! He's almost naked..

Dana: What!?? And then..

Mini: And then Mini interrupted thought she was just going to the comfort room, but NO! She locked the door and she went to the bed with my OPPA!!! HUHUHUHU...

Karen: Hey Mini, stop lying.. 

Vincent: AH?? What are you ladies doing here?? 

Students: Huh!?? Teacher???

Vincent: Oh yeah, Breakfast is ready.. Let's eat.. I'm sorry I had to sleep here last night. I wasn't even aware of what happened. Hahahaha.

Mini: Oppa!! Are you ok!?? Did someone molested you!? Where's Kim???

Kim: Oh.. What's happening?? 

Karen: Kim, where did you go?? 

Kim: I went out for a walk a little while.. 

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