[Featuring Gun] A GTD Joke Spin-Off Chappy

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Summary: Discord wanted the perspective of a gun, and I gave it to them. (This was meant to be a joke!)
MC: Gun, Ocs
POV: Third Person Gun POV, Third Person in General
Tags/Warnings: Crack, Omake, Mentions of a Gun, Original Characters, Xelqua


It was hanging on the wall, a few of its' kind surrounding it. Across from it was a meeting table, long and wide stretching further out, it carried multiple quils, stationary, two masks and other things to note. There infront it as well were bookcases all around. And honestly, as far as it could tell, it was really tall,

-and I mean, it was really tall.

Three people were across from it, two sitting on the chairs around the table, whilst the other was standing up slightly leaning towards one of the bookcases. They were seemingly working whilst talking.

One of them was wearing a lavender-purple striped turtleneck with a small and simple embroidered marigold design of a single flower inbetween a sort of broken portal, bluish grey fitted jeans, and a belt adorned with a single chain carrying a locket. The very same person was the one standing up seemingly reading papers.

There was another person wearing a so-called skort (shorts that are also a skirt). It was a simple plain white in a tennis skirt format with rose-gold and dandelion highlights. They were also wearing an oversized faded magenta violet shirt that seemed to be wrapped up, held together supposedly by a pendant. This one looked like it was rambling on and on about something, occasionally getting feedback from the rest. They were sitting in a slouched and careless way, as if they owned the place, yet they were still in a comfortable poise.

The last person that was in its line of sight, if it did have eyes, was wearing a set of violet-stained denim overalls that cuffed off right above the knees carrying a white mask inside its pocket, with a cream colored shirt under, and a silver bracelet with a small locket to accent. This one looked like it was scribbling into a small journal, and its mouth moving every so often.

They were talking about something the gun could never understand. Being unable to hear and think, all it could do was sit. It had no senses after all, so really, there was nothing to be done...

Atleast those people could think, the gun couldn't! It really was such a shame... Though not even more so than the people, someones who were left to be noones! Their only defining features being their clothes.

Honestly, it's such a shame...


Categorized as one, two and three, these strange people infront of the gun continued to moved their mouths, as well as, move themselves...

"... So~ can anyone remind me on why we have a gun?" Two was starting to ramble, going off topic after discussing for so long what they were going to do, choices, and so on, and so forth.

"<Two>, don't ask. You probably don't want to know." One replied in a voice resembling a sort of tired, and berating yet light-hearted manner.

"I'm pretty sure they do, <One>~" was Three's commentary, lifting their head slightly at One rolling their eyes while giving a soft chuckle before shifting their gaze back to their journal to continue writing once more.

"Of course I do! Why else would I ask?~" Two pouted, the slight quirk of their lips barely visible.

"Well, unless you want to go into the logistics of it being in our (supposedly) vanilla world, as well as why we even have it in the first place, you can tell me." was One's snarkily sarcastic reply.

"I would gladly like to know, <Two>~"

"And this is why we have Xelchi as our mom friend, now, come again on that last report please, <One>?" Three said chuckling in an ever so slight way.

"Oh yeah, sorry, <Three>." One started walking over nearer to three, leaning down after setting the papers in front of Three.

"Eugh, you guys are giving me the feeling that a lot of sexual tension is in the room right now~" Two propped themselves up into a neater poise, and then proceeded to place their elbows on the table, using their hands to prop their head up. They teased One and Three playfully in a joking manner, which was reacted with an inquisitive smirk, eyebrows raised 'excuse me?' face, and a small chuckle attending a slight dusted blush with an eyeroll saying 'as if'.

It was then that a few small taps against the door was heard before it was opened...

"So, anyone care to fill me in?"

And then it happened, another random person came into the part of the room the gun was hanging in.

They were relatively the same height as the gun, with the heels. That is, if they were going to be right infront of it...

Why was life like this?

Why was this person back?

The gun wouldn't know even if it wanted to. It couldn't even think for itself on that, nor could it feel for the matter of wanting. The gun was just there, another entity in the universe.

It was just 'chilling',

but the random guy who stepped in didn't seem to be 'just chilling'. Infact, the random guy seemed to be gliding as they strode around the room straight to the other three.

Perhaps they were companions? The gun would never know what their deal was...

"Xee-xee! (See-see) I thought you weren't coming today!?" Two exclaimed in surprise and delight, wearing a sloppy grin while brightening up like a bulb.

"Welcome back, Xelchi.~" Three said while they lifted their head and brought their gaze away from their writting and all the papers to face Xelqua, sporting a soft smile, they continued. "Did something happen?"

Two suddenly perked up once more in curiousity, yet you could still see the glints of concern they had in the way their eyebrows scrunched up and mouth slightly opened. However before they could say anything, One beat them to it -and spoke up in an inquiry fashion.

"Isn't it your day off today? Xelqua, I swear, if you're came here for another stupid reason like--"


For context, I sent out a poll on discord before with it's only context being somewhere along the lines of 'no context' to choose between three perspectives for GTD, which close to none knew about. One of the other users responded to the message with an emoji or so that I didn't add then typed 'GUN' as a joke. It then escalated by just a tiny bit, and I started writting.

I decided that since I already started, might as well use it for a spin-off chapter, so here you go!

Also, someone PLEASE give me names for my OC children that I made by accident and only fleshed out a tiny bit... They don't have genders yet, don't even have faces; I only know their clothes...

*cue angsty heartbreak music playing in the background*

Crii ;((

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