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Milan's pov
Next morning
1st day of classes

"Is this cute or no?" I bit my lip nervously as i stared at the full length mirror.

"Oh my god! You look cute!" Addison hyped me up as she just finished doing mascara.

"Oh my god! You look cute!" Addison hyped me up as she just finished doing mascara

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My outfit was rather basic but i didn't want to overdo it on the first day.

"Okay we are for sure going to be late to our classes." Addison bit her lip nervously as she combed through her hair with her fingers.

"Eh.. whats new? We've been late to every single one of our classes each year."

"You're right." She admitted as we grabbed our school bags.

"Spray me?" I stood in front of her as she sprayed me with one of the Pink perfumes she had on her dresser. She sprayed me a few times before spraying herself.

"Okays lets go." I smile.

Siena's pov

"I missed the school's coffee

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"I missed the school's coffee." I playfully kissed my cup of coffee.

"Oh me too." Avani laughed to herself as we walked through campus.

"Hey were you okay yesterday?" Avani cleared her throat.

"Yeah why?" I bit my lip.

"It just seemed like you were off. Just wanted to check in."

"Yeah i'm fine. Probably just tired because of the flight here yesterday. Super jet lagged."

She nodded her head and gave me a small smile. "Okay well my class is over here." Avani stopped in her tracks and pointed to one of the classrooms that several students were piling into.

"Yeah? Okay. Meet you after classes are over." I wave to her before continuing my journey.

You would think that after so many years at this school I would know where AP Gov is. I have no damn clue.

The bell already rang for classes to start. My heart was racing. I panicked as i stared at the campus map i kept on my phone.

"Shit." I ran down the halls as fast as i could.

I've never been late to a class before.

I made a turn at the corner of the building and smacked my head into someone's chest.

"Ow." I let out a groan as i tumbled back.

"Shit! Are you okay?" The sound of a warming voice questioned me as i picked up my AP gov textbook.

"Yeah I'm f-" i stopped talking once i made eye contact with Vinnie. The same Vinnie my sister ended up making friends with yesterday after meeting him in the lunch line.

"You're Milan's sister right?" He grinned at me as I nodded my head slowly, not saying a peep. I was so awkward when it came to boys.

I never even had a boyfriend. Which when i tell people they are surprised given the fact that Milan can talk to any guy with no hesitation.

"Whats your name?" He bit his lip awkwardly. 

"Oh uh... S-Sien- Siena." I stuttered and i just wanted to run into a wall.

"Hey Siena. Im Vinnie." He shook my hand. MY HANDS WERE PROBABLY FUCKING SWEATY.

"So i guess we're both late to our classes." He laughed as he noticed the map on my phone.

"Yeah. I cant seem to find my AP Gov class." I felt my cheeks burn up.

"With Mr. Nolan?" He raised a brow as I nodded my head.

"I have that class 5th period. I know where it is. I'll show you."

"How do you know where it is? You haven't had it yet?" I blurted out without even knowing.

"Yeah when the Dean was showing me around he showed me where each class was so I wouldn't be lost. But coincidentally i just so happened to forget the one i have first." He shook his head. I followed him down the hall.

It ended up being on the other side of campus.

"And would you look at that... my classroom just so happens to be right nearby." He pointed at his classroom.

"Wow of course. Our luck huh?" I forced myself to talk.

"15 minutes late or 15 minutes early?" The boy teased as we stopped at the door of my class.

"See you around Siena." He smiled at me before walking a few doors down.

I couldn't help but feel myself get all tingly. Like i was glad to have been lost. Because if i knew where AP gov was at.... Vinnie would probably never talk to me.


opportunity cost | vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now