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David opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was the van. The one they had rented for this vacation. It took a second for a him to realize what was wrong with it. It was upside down. And busted open like a tuna can.

David gasped and rushed forward, yelling all his friends names and dropping to his knees to look through the broken windows. He heart stopped when he saw Tyler in the driver seat, he was hanging upside down by his seat beat and he was unconscious.

"Tyler! Oh man. Tyler wake up!" David yelled.Tyler suddenly jerked awake and looked around in a panic. David sighed in relief as Tyler looked around and then reached to unbuckle himself. Tyler fell on the roof of the van with another painful groan. David could see blood covering the side of Tyler's head and his shoulder looked dislocated.

"Come on man, we gonna find the others." David said. He crawled backwards so that Tyler could crawl out, to his surprise it took a moment for Tyler to move, he seemed to be looking for something. He looked over in the passenger seat, which was empty. A broken seat belt hung empty. That where David had been sitting.

"David?" Tyler slurred.

"I'm right here yee moron!" Tyler's eyes met his and widened.

"David!" The shock and fear in his voice made David tilt his head. And then his blood ran cold. Tyler wasn't looking at him, he was looking past him.

David slowly turned around to see himself. He was laying on his back in the middle of the road. A trail of glass leading to his body. Lui was on his knees beside him and sobbing. Tyler suddenly crawled past him to limp over too.

"Lui! Is he-"

"Call 911!" David turned to look at the new voice, there was Evan. Him and Jon looked just as bloody as Tyler and they held an unconscious Luke between them. Brian and Brock also limped over from towards the back of the van. Brian was holding his jacket tightly around himself and Brock seemed to have a deep cut on his arm and shoulder. They were missing one person though. David looked around.

"Where. . . Where's Craig?" David asked but no one answered him.

"Guys?" David waved his arms but everyone just stayed quiet and didn't even look at him. Lucky Tyler asked the same question a moment later.

"He's uh, still in the back." Evan said slowly. Brian's head dropped and Brock let out a small sniffle. That's when David realized they were all crying. Tyler got up and tried to move past them but Brock caught his arm. Tyler looked at him with wide eyes, but Brock only shook his head.

"He's already. . . gone."

There was silence, Tyler ripped his arm away and went back over to Lui.

"Does anyone have a working phone?" Jon asked quietly, not wanting to think about Craig's bloody face and dull eyes anymore.

"Mines busted." Brian said weakly holding a shattered iPhone. Brock lifted his own, which seemed to be working.

"No signal." Brock said sadly. No shit. Thet went in the middle of the forest at night. They were at a dirt crossroad. All eyes then moved back to Lui. David stood up, and walked over to his body. He couldn't believe what was happening.

"He's barely breathing. He groaned when I came over, but he hasn't moved since." Lui whimpered.

"I-I'm right here guys." David said weakly, eyes locked on his own face. No one answered him. Tyler got his feet, holding his shoulder. He looked away from David's body, and David was shocked by the tears in his eyes. He looked towards the crowd of his beat and broken friends with a steady look in his eyes.

"Who can walk?"

"Everyone but Luke and David I think." Brock answered. Brian however was staying a ways away. His arms that had been tightly wrapped around his middle were now limp at his sides and David could see his shirt underneath. His eyes were glassy and David could see his laboured breathing even from 10 feet away. He hurried over to Brian and tried to get everyone's attention.

"Uh, boys. Brian ain't lookin too hot." David said loudly. No one seemed to hear him. Evan and Jon carefully laid Luke beside David's body and then Tyler and Evan started making a plan. Brock got the map from the van and Jon seemed to be in the same shocked state as Lui. David saw Brian start to wobble on his feet, and his eyes started to slip closed. He gripped his chest and winced. David leaned close and he could hear Brian wheezing. There was a thing layer of sweat across Brian's face. David looked down to see that under Brian's jacket his shirt was soaked through with blood. So much blood that it had dripped into a little pool at his feet.

"HEY! FOCKERS?! LISTEN TO ME WILL YA?!" David shrieked. He ran over to the group and tried to touch Tyler. His hand passed right through his arm and David stumbled. To his relief through Tyler stopped mid sentence and shivered violently before whirling around. Evan and Brock looked at him in confusion, but that was the moment Brian finally collapsed.

The three went running over, yelling his name. Tyler was limping, and Brock stumbled a little but Evan was the fastest and was able to roll Brian over by the time Tyler and Brock got there.

"Oh my god. That's a lot of blood." Brock exclaimed, opening Brian's jacket wider. Tyler quickly lifted Brian's black shirt from his skin, to show a very long slash. He then ripped Brian's shirt open to reveal a long deep gash across his chest. David cursed out loud and put his hands in hid hair. He looked up at the sky and cursed out loud.

"Shut up David." It was impossible for David to hear it, but he did. Luke had mumbled it, but he still heard it. He looked down at Brian and saw that Tyler had removed his shirt and was pressing it to Brian's cut. David hurried over to Luke was was laying beside his own body and had his eyes closed. Jon and Lui shared a worried look and then looked at Luke.

"Luke. David didn't say anything." Luke waved a hand weakly, with his eyes still closed.

"He just fucking yelled what do you mean?"

"Yee can hear me?!" David asked dropping down by Luke's head.

"Yeah, I can hear you. Now keep it down idiot, I have a headache." Lui and Jon's look became scared.

"We didn't say anything-"

"I know!" Luke snapped his eyes opening he turned to look at Lui and saw David. "It was. . . David."

"Luke! Tell 'em I'm okay! I'm right here!" David begged. Luke groaned and gripped his head. David wanted to scream in frustration. Suddenly Evan went sprinting by and off down the road.

"Evan?!" Jon asked turning to look at him. Evan jogged backwards as he yelled back.

"I gotta get help! Or Brian's gonna die too!"

David looked back over at Brian to see his head in Brock's lap and Tyler tried to control the bleeding. Jon got up and limped over to give Tyler his hoodie. Lui and Luke were talking, and he could hear Brock and Jon trying to keep Brian awake.

Suddenly David's ears started ringing. Everyone's voice started to sound like they were underwater. He gripped his hair again and tried to steady his pounding heart. Pain was starting to blossom in different parts of his body and he wanted to scream.

And then everything went dark.

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