Chapter 🌲- Home

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This is one of my favorite pictures of Tyler. He looks so fancy and grown up I'm so proud do him 🥰🥰🥰🥰. And that's the same Corvette that will be in this chapter.

Small warning. I do use the f-word slur for homosexual people, just once though. The person who says in is the story has used it in real life, but please don't cancel him for it. We all know he was just using it the same as he would 'bitch' or 'asshole' and he doesn't use it anymore either so he has grown up a lot since he used it like YEARS ago. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up so you don't panic like omg he said that it omg he would neVer how dare you yada yada. Anyways, I'ma shut up now.


David looked over his small amount of belongings as he packed them into a bag. His phone was cracked but still working and his brother had bought him a charger. Sadly he didn't know his password so he couldn't get into it. His lock screen was a picture of him making a weird face so it was obviously his.

He had his wallet, which had his ID, about 20 dollars in cash, a debit card he didn't know the pin too, a few receipts, and a PAX West VIP pass. That was probably the work thing his siblings mentioned, if that was even true. And a wrist watch he'd been wearing when the accident happened which made it out without a scratch surprisingly. He had a few other trinkets his siblings had brought him, like a small snow globe, and some chocolates, but that was it. The only clothes he had were the ones the hospital gave him and a clean pair that Lui had brought him.

After packing up the bag he took one last look around his room. It was the only place he felt comfortable being. It was a scary thought, leaving it. He didn't know if he was ready to face his life. He didn't even know if he was making the right decision. What if he went with the wrong people?

His thoughts were interrupted for the second time that day by someone clearing their throat. He turned to look at the doorway to see his brother and sister standing there. He smiled at them and walked over to hug them.

"Hey guys."

"Hey. Yee ready to go bro?" Aindreas asked cheerfully. Katie looked at him with an easy smile. But her eyes were shadowed by something. She looked expectant.

"Yeah. I think I'm ready." David said softly, gripping the handle of his bag tighter. Katie linked her arm with his and the three began walking towards the elevator. Katie and Aindreas talked about Mom and the dogs. Aindreas asked how Adam and Lisa were doing and Katie's eyes lit up. She rambled on and on about how cute her baby was and how much she missed them and couldn't wait to get back home. Aindreas promised to visit soon, and David hopped on the idea too. He'd love to see his niece and brother-in-law.

When they got to the lobby, David saw Lui waiting in a chair on his phone. He was chewing on his thumb and seemed to be really focused, he didn't seem to notice them. Aindreas was quick to step forward so Lui was hidden from David's view. And he seemed uncharacteristically tense. Katie kept glancing from David to Lui like she was waiting for something. David gently removed his arm from hers and patted her hand with a smile.

"It was really nice to see you guys. I don't know how long it's been, but it's been too long." Katie's smile was sad but also understanding. She already knew what he was talking about. And she was happy for him. Aindreas tried to play dumb.

"Oh quit talkin' like that. You're comin home with us. We'll get to hang out a lot now." David gently punched Aindreas shoulder.

"We'll have to rain check on that dude. I ain't going to Ireland, not today." David stepped around a shocked Aindreas to see that Lui was standing now and watching them. "I'm going home with this weirdo."

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