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Where am I?

What's that sound?


Why does everything hurt?

Am I dead?



When he opened his eyes, everything was blinding and white. So he closed them again. He felt something in his throat and he couldn't breathe. His lungs were still working but it felt uncomfortable and out of his control. He tried to move his arms, but one was icy and numb, while the other was warmed by someone else hand in his.

"Doctor! He's awake!" The voice shouted, and a moment later the hand was gone. He opened his eyes again and saw a wave of doctors and nurses rush in. He caught sight of someone else being rushed from the room but then there was a light in his eyes. Nurses started pulling things off of him while a doctor asked him questions and checked his vitals.

"My name is Dr. Elizar, but you can call me Rachel." He blinked at her. And then the nurses seemed to back off for a moment. "I'm going to remove your breathing tube now, David. It might be a little painful, and if you have to puke, Nathan has a garbage can right there."

David. Is that my name?

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