Chapter 1- Family

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This chapter, and this story is dedicated to TrashDemon4Life since they are the main reason I'm continuing this and part of the reason I started in the first place. It was just going to be an open ended short story with the first four parts, but they really liked it and I wanted to show off for them lol. So I'm trying my best here. I don't think the other four parts are the best, but I'll leave them as they are.

As always, I hope yee enjoy!


David was sitting on the edge of his bed with his feet dangling over the edge, his toes just brushed the cold linoleum. His bones felt like noodles, and his muscles were weak and stiff. He hated the feeling and wanted to get back on his feet as quickly as he could. Both literally and figuratively. And besides the achy weakness he felt fine, at least physically. Mentally? He felt fuzzy. It was like he knew he was forgetting something, but it was just too fuzzy. Before he could push away from the bed the door opened and Dr. Elizar was back, and following behind her was his mother and both of his fellow triplets.

David's mother wasted no time rushing over and telling him to get back in bed and to rest. And then she was badgering him with questions and talking about taking him home. Her shiny ebony hair was starting to gray and was pulled back into a bun. The laugh lines around her eyes were deeper then David remembered and so were her frown lines. She had a wide smile on her face but he could tell she was tired. Her eyes were puffy, and it was obvious she hasn't been sleeping too well. David felt horrible that he'd made her worry so much.

"Ma, let him breathe. He just woke up." David's brother, Aindreas said while gently pulling their mother away. His brother looked older, with dark scruff on his chin and shorter hair then when they were kids. And his eyes were older too, no longer bright and mischievous as they once were. He was definitely all grown up. And he looked just as relieved as his mother that David was finally awake.

Katie, his sister, walked around to the other side of David's bed and nudged him over so she could sit on the edge of it. Her hair was long and braided down her back. Her usual full face of make-up was gone, and she looked just as tired as everyone else did. But she still sported a small, genuine smile.

"Yeah, ya took sleepin' in, to a whole new level." She said, nudging him with her elbow. David chuckled. It was a little strange to see his family, he felt like he had just seen them, but also like he hadn't in a long time. It was weird. They looked so much older now.

"Yeah. I'm glad to be awake though. I feel all stiff~." David groaned, stretching his arms up. He dropped his arms and sighed. The thick air seemed to buzz with unsaid words. He waited for someone to speak, but no one said a word. He was about to ask about his Dad, but got a weird feeling in his chest and didn't.

"Hey Doc?" David asked, just to break the silence. Dr. Elizar, who had been quietly tapping at the computer in the corner, turned her head to look over at him. "So uh, when will I be gettin' outta 'ere?"

"About a week. You're physically all healed up, but we want to keep you here for some physical therapy and for observation in case your memory gets worse or better. Or if you slip back into a coma."

His mother's happy face immediately became worried again.

"What do yee mean, back into a coma? Can that happen?"

The doctor stepped closer and spoke quietly.

"It's a small chance, yes. Seeing just how severe his amnesia is, he may slip back into a coma for his brain to continue healing. But it's a very small chance. We really just want him to do the physical therapy, seeing as he's been bed ridden for the last eight months."

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