Chapter 2- Visitor

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Early update! I hope yee enjoy!

It's been about a week since David first woke up. His memory hasn't improved all that much though. He just remembers little things. But they aren't very clear or even happy, at least they don't seem like they should be happy. He recalls yelling, gunshots, and explosions. Crazy laughter echoes in the back of his mind. Before when his siblings told him that he had been with bad people he hadn't believed them. But now? Maybe they were telling the truth. Maybe he had gotten mixed up with the wrong crowd. He had years of memories that were just gone. He still couldn't for the life of him remember a face, or anyone's voice. Except the laughter. It was a little out of place with the darker memories. But it gave him chills.

It was almost noon, and David was in the physical therapy room. He was doing a lot better then when he first woke up, he could walk on his own, and lift a pretty good amount of weight too. He did get tired pretty quickly, but he was well aware of his limits at this point. This would be his last day in the hospital before he could go home. He was going to go back to Ireland with his family. He apparently had his own place here in California, but his mom said to not worry about it. His roommates could handle rent and stuff without him. This was another thing his family told him that he didn't quite believe. But no 'roommates' had even come to visit him so they must not have been very close.

It was almost lunch time, so David was picking up all the weights he'd been using and making sure all the machines were off and stuff. Most people, or patients, had already gone to lunch so he was the last one left in the room. His nurse that usually watched him left early today too. Some family emergency or something.

He had just finished stacking some weights when someone behind him cleared their throat. He turned, and smiled once he recognized the face.

"What's up Doc? What are ya doin here? Shouldn't yee be at lunch like everyone else?" David asked in a cheerful voice. Dr. Elizar smiled at him.

"I could say the same for you."

"Oh I'm just cleaning up a bit. Don't mind me." David said, dusting his hands off. "And then I'll be off to lunch too, I'm starvin~."

"Well then, I'm glad I caught you. Someone brought you lunch today." There was an almost sly tone in her voice. And her smile seemed just a little brighter than usual. David tilted his head. He doesn't get discharged for a few more hours.

"I thought Aindreas wasn't comin' back till later?"

The doctor seemed to beam and bounce on her heels a little bit.

"It's not Aindreas. And it's not Katie either. You have a new visitor today. And he's very excited to see you. So come on, he's missed you."

David was surprised and confused, but followed Dr. E anyways. He wracked his brain for who it could be but he just came up empty. It was a tad bit frustrating to say the least. He was so in his own head that before he knew it they were back at his room and Dr. E was opening the door. Another chain of surprises awaited him.

"Rachel!" A young male voice from within the room greeted Dr. E with a comfortable familiarity. Even using her first name. Dr. E, or Rachel, responded in kind.

"Lui! It's good to see you kiddo!"

The two hugged, with Dr. E messing up the males hair playfully, while the much shorter hugged her around her middle. David stayed back and quiet. It was obvious now that this was a friend of Dr. E's and not a friend of his. That still begged the question as to why Dr. E said the kid was excited to meet him.

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